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17“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.” The past three years has been a mind-blowing experience. Initially Lars was brought in as coach, but a chain of events altered the situation and Lars embraced the hard working role as alternate and facilitator for the team. Johnny was called to action and raised the bar for the entire team. On paper, what barely had a chance of working with two old-timers and three young guns, rapidly blossomed into something incredible on ice. Part of our success was due to not only the dedication and hard work, but also the nature
1912吧没有没有人知道?16最近人品不好 ,。。发帖总被吞 所以。。。一楼度娘 膜拜ING7After an interview with TV2 and Politiken yesterday, it is now time to reveal some news about next season. A new old is coming back - Mikkel Krause and Oliver Dupont will be joining Team Rasmus Stjerne as third and second from next season. We have high expectations about this project and we are looking forward to all the hard work and good times! We can't wait to get back on ice with this new team, but right now it is time for the preparations towards the season. Our physical training has begun and we are working hard to get into a great shape towards the new season.13510如题,送上本届世锦赛丹麦队与中国队的比赛视频!(由于楼主是手机党,所以用电脑机会很少。。。)5贴吧才刚建,赛季就结束啦~~~没事进来溜溜2身高182cm的丹麦女王,为何丹麦人如此高大?77十分感谢大家的支持!本人已经成为了本吧的实习吧主^W^希望今后大家各显其能,使本吧成为一个良好的交流场所!16我发现喜欢他的有好多小正太~~~~~~~646楼主很想寄一封要签名,可是不知道寄到哪里诶2@OUKOULIN 记得是你创建的这个吧,赶快申请吧主吧~~~~~49如题,想问问大家一般都用通过什么渠道关注小M呢?希望各位喜欢小M的吧友都能为贴吧建设出自己的一份力!0亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到丹麦冰壶队