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我有一段话 我自己能明白大概意思 但是翻译出来总觉得不流畅 哪个帮我翻译下啦 谢谢了
For a first try I would ask you to quote for 1000 pieces each type. If there is a minimum order quantity or if you can make much better prices above a certain number of lenses per type, then let me now where this is the case. If you have different glas qualities available we would like to have a quotation for white glas (optical crown glas) and the lower "green" quality of crown glas. I would very much prefer to have the prices in Euro, if that is no problem for you and with shipping to Germany included. If the prices are interesting, we will do a sample order from only one type, to verify the quality of your lenses

IP属地:上海1楼2012-03-16 14:40回复