水灵昔青吧 关注:7贴子:600
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1楼2012-06-13 22:18回复

    2楼2012-06-13 22:20

      Alternative n. a choice 选择
      Anecdote n. an entertaining short story about an event 轶事
      Acknowledge v. to admit or confess 承认
      Avert v. to prevent, to avoid 防止,避免
      Compel v. to force 强迫
      Comply v. to do as commanded or asked 顺从
      Appropriate a. proper, suitable to the situation 合适的
      Candid a. very honest 坦率的
      Concise a. saying much in a few clear words 简明易懂的
      Drastic a. extreme, harsh or intense 激烈的
      Dialog n. a conversation 对话
      Refuge n. shelter, protection 避难所
      Forfeit v. to lose through some fault, to be forced to give up by way of penalty 丧失
      Fortify v. to strengthen 加强
      Illuminate v. to light up 点亮
      Isolate v. to separate from others 孤立,隔离
      Reminisce v. to remember and talk about the past 追忆说,回忆起
      Erratic a. not consistent 不固定的
      Extensive a. large in space or amount 广泛的
      Urban a. of or in a city 城市的
      Integrity n. honesty, strong moral sense 正直,完整
      Menace n. a threat 威胁
      Morale n. state of mind with respect to confidence and enthusiasm, spirit 斗志
      Delete v. to cross out or erase 删除
      Undermine v. to gradually weaken or damage 破坏
      Impartial a. fair, not biased, without prejudice 公正的
      Legitimate a. in accordance with accepted laws, rules, and standards 合理的
      Lenient a. not strict or harsh in disciplining or punishing, merciful 宽大仁慈的
      Naïve a. lacking worldly experience, unsuspecting, unsophisticated 天 真幼稚的
      Overt a. obvious, not hidden 明显的,公然的
      Agenda n. a list of things to be done, a schedule 议程
      Antidote n. something that reduce the effects of a poison, anything that relieves a harmful situation 解药,纠正法
      Apathy n. lack of interest and concern 冷漠
      Propaganda n. ideas spread to support or oppose a cause 宣传
      Prospects n. chances of success 前景,预期
      Reinforce v. to strengthen, to add support to 加强
      Bland a. dull, not interesting or exciting 乏味的,温和的
      Radical a. favoring extreme changes, especially in politics and government 激进的
      Relevant a. related to the matter at hand, to the point 有关的
      Ruthless a. lacking pity, merciless 无情的,残忍的
      Hypocrite n. one who claims to be something he or she is not, an insincere person 伪君子
      Illusion n. a false impression, a mistaken view of reality 幻觉
      Impact n. the force of one thing striking another 影响力,冲击力
      Novice n. a beginner, some new to a field or activity 新手
      Obstacle n. something that gets in the way, a barrier 障碍
      Endorse v. to support, express approval of, to state in an ad that one supports a product or service, usually for a fee 认可
      Erode v. to gradually wear something away 侵蚀
      Imply v. to express indirectly, suggest 意味,暗示
      Gruesome a. horrible, shocking, frightful 阴森的
      Idealistic a. tending to emphasize ideals and principles over practical concerns 理想主义的,唯心主义的
      Auto- self 自动
      Ex- out, from除了
      -ful full of 充满
      Multi- many 许多
      Pre- before 前
      Re- again 再一次
      Super- greater,above 在…之上,超级的
      Un- not 不是
      Uni- one 唯一的,单一的
      Vis, vid see 可视的

      3楼2012-06-13 22:20
        说是四级的 但我目测有超过……

        4楼2012-06-13 22:21
          不定期更新ing。。。好吧虽然我知道自己在和自己说话= =

          5楼2012-06-13 22:21

            6楼2013-01-30 12:45

              7楼2013-02-24 16:36
                0 0

                IP属地:安徽8楼2013-12-11 16:21