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• Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy
Integrated marketing communications (IMC):The coordination of promotional efforts to maximise the communication effect.

1楼2013-06-03 05:32回复

    • Communication model
    Marketing communication:A term for promotion that refers to communicating a message to the marketplace.

    2楼2013-06-03 05:33

      • Promotion objectives
      Objectives of promotion:
      • To support the organisation's overall marketing objectives
      • To demonstrate features and benefits
      • To encourage product trial and create demand
      • To reinforce the product or brand and encourage repeat purchase
      • To increase support offered by retailers
      • To increase awareness about and goodwill for the organisation
      Marketing communications can be designed to increase general awareness about and goodwill towards an organisation.
      Cause-related marketing:Philanthropic activities tied to the purchase of a product.

      3楼2013-06-03 05:33

        • Creating a promotional/ advertising campaign
        Competitive advertising:Using advertising to promote the features and benefits of a product relative to competing products.
        Comparative advertising:Using advertising to directly compare a product against a competing product.
        Key steps in creating an advertising campaign:
        1. Understand the market environment
        2. Know the target market (audience)
        3. Set specific objectives
        4. Create the message strategy
        5. Allocate resources
        6. Select media
        7. Produce the advertisement
        8. Place the advertisement
        9. Evaluate the campaign

        5楼2013-06-03 05:34

          • Additional forms of promotion
          Ambush marketing
          • The presentation of marketing messages at an event that is sponsored by an unrelated business or a competitor.
          • Marketers considering sponsoring events need to take steps to defend themselves against ambush marketing, including assessing whether the risk is worth it.
          Product placement
          • The paid inclusion of products in movies,
          TV shows, video games, songs and books.
          A plug
          • When the media overtly promotes a product within a program rather than as a separate advertisement.
          Guerrilla marketing
          • The use of an aggressive and
          unconventional marketing approach ->
          Viral marketing
          • The use of social networks to spread
          a marketing message.
          Permission marketing
          • Marketing that aims to build an ongoing
          relationship with customers.
          • The paid association of a brand with an
          event or person.
          Potential issues with sponsorship
          • Media fragmentation
          • Consumer cynicism
          • Social consciousness
          • Environmental awareness

          6楼2013-06-03 05:34

            • Push and pull promotion policies
            Push policy:An approach in which a product is promoted to the next institution in the marketing channel.
            Pull policy:An approach in which a product is promoted to consumers to create demand through the marketing channel.

            7楼2013-06-03 05:34