绝望姐妹吧 关注:855贴子:7,287
  • 2回复贴,共1



A series of short one-shots focusing on each dead character's final moments. CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR DR1. EXPECT FEELS AND POSSIBLE TEARS.

1楼2013-10-04 14:12回复

    My younger sister, Junko. The one thing I valued more than anything. I swore that I'd do anything for her. So it was no surprise that when she asked me to take her place at Hope's Peek Academy, I accepted the request without any questions asked. I didn't know what she was up to until it was too late.
    "H...hey, wait just a minute! What you're saying... it's all so demented! What's up with this... "school trial" thing?! I don't wanna take part in anything like that...! Isn't it obvious...! Why do I have to try to figure out who the culprit is? Isn't that all messed up?" That was my final outburst. I didn't know that this was her intention. I refused to believe she had anything to do with this. In a rage, (without blowing my cover), I attacked Monobear. I didn't realize that it would be at that moment where my younger sister would betray me.
    I felt at least ten spears pierce through my body. I felt the blood creep up my throat and trickle down the sides of my mouth. My eyes widened in shock, finally letting the situation sink in. "Huh...? What...? Isn't... that... strange...? Why... was... I...?" As I looked down, the spears were yanked out, and my body went limp. The last thing I heard was the sound of my classmates' screaming.
    Nee-san, how could you do this to me..?

    2楼2013-10-04 14:12

      IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端3楼2022-12-28 20:50