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mokemo:"genghiskhan,you are this savage,why do you roll back to your mongol native place?"
genghiskhan:"you ask me why,yes,say all right,l'm savage,how about you?you bad than me,our the two man all king and all son of father,l'm a khan,you are a sultan!"
mokemo:"you just a groom now,you didn't suit going to khan,you just suit live in the cowshed."
genghiskhan:"cowshed?yes?mokemo,l original was in don't nood fight with you,this you force my,are you think me dislike back to my mongol native place?"
mokemo:"l think you all can back to your mongol!you are savage! "
youchi:"why?mokemo,you dou't think you are sultan,you can say out this such a word,yes,my father and my family all savage,you inferior to a savage now,and savage all know forgive others,yes,you just a rubbish,l think you still inferior to rubbish."

来自Android客户端1楼2014-03-09 22:02回复