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the stupid son


从前,有一个秀才,他有一个傻儿子。("once upon the time,had a scholar,his have a stupid son.")有一天,朋友要来拜访他。(one day,friend want visited he,)为了显示自己的才能,(for show own ability,)他决定让儿子招待客人,(he decision let son entertain,)还特意教给他几句话:“如果客人问你咱们家的桃树怎么没了,你就说‘让我砍了卖了’;(and especially teach give he a few words:if gust ask you our home of peach how haven't,you'II said,let me cut sell;)如果他问你咱们家的篱笆为什么这么乱,你就说‘兵荒马乱糟蹋的了’;(if he ask you our Home of fence why so chaos,you'II said'by turmoil of war waste.)如果他问你咱家钱怎么这么多,你就说‘爹妈辛苦挣的’;如果他问你怎么如此聪明,你就说‘那当然,我们家世代如此’。(if he ask you our Home.of money how so many,you said,father and mother hard earned,if he ask you how do you so smart,you said 'that sure,our family so generation ')”于是,儿子去招待客人。(then,son going to entertain .)客人问:“你的父亲呢?”(the gust ask:where Is your father?)儿子答道:“让我砍了卖了!(son said:let me cut sell!) ”客人很惊讶,(the gust very surprise,)接着问,(catch ask,)你母亲呢?”(where Is your mother?)儿子回答:“兵荒马乱糟蹋了!”客人又问:“你们家门前的牛粪这么多呀?”儿子骄傲地说:“爹妈辛辛苦苦挣的! ”客人生气地问:“你怎么这么说! ”儿子得意地说:“那当然,我们家世代如此! ” (the son said:by turmoil of war waste,the gust again ask:how so many cow dung at your Home before doorway?the son proud said: parent hard earned,the gust mad said:how do you such speak!the son said proudly:that sure,our family so generation!)

来自Android客户端1楼2014-03-24 16:17回复