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my stepbrother,youch,I love you


hey my stepbrother,I had been for a long time have no meeting you,how about you at recent years?
ok,I know you always fight with your bother,because your brother always said you are bastard,so you have not a good mentality everyday.
youchi,I'm your brother siqiqutug,I'm a judge now,I know your mood,I know you need a good mentality.
are you my stepbrother of heir now? I dou't know.
but I know you have a lot of brothers and sisters,you have a natural parent,
you good a little than me,they have no abandon you.
do you know me?I'm a orphan,you have a parent and three brother.
I used to be a the rich of son,all because a war,I'm a child in that time,I what all don't know.

来自Android客户端1楼2014-04-22 10:40回复
    hi,I agree your viewpoint,especially your brother of viewpoint.
    I as a judge,you need my help,I can redress the scales for you,but I'm know,you have a good mother.
    youchi,you are a man,not women,don't listen your brother's said you what,you only make good yourself.
    I love you forever.

    来自Android客户端4楼2014-04-22 17:40