娜年她三十三吧 关注:676贴子:80,691
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刚在18看到的 差点快忘了这件事


Countless choices define our fate, each choice, each moment, a ripple in a river of time. Enough ripples and you change the tide, for the future is never truly set.

来自Android客户端1楼2015-01-30 15:45回复
    说好的专辑呢?说好的个唱呢? 你兑现了哪个??!! 本来都已经告诉自己不要在纠结那些不愉快的事了,但是作为HY音乐的董事,未免太“欺负”姚贝娜了吧?!什么苦活累活商演都丢给12,你11月前的微薄有好几个月都和姚贝儿无缘,上一次追溯到世界杯期间了,还是姚贝儿爱特了你的你进行了转发。现在她走了,你就开始发这发那了,我现在真是压不住情绪了,做人到这么偏见的地步!!!Countless choices define our fate, each choice, each moment, a ripple in a river of time. Enough ripples and you change the tide, for the future is never truly set.

    来自Android客户端3楼2015-01-30 15:54
      去年年中想到的。想想都觉得过瘾Countless choices define our fate, each choice, each moment, a ripple in a river of time. Enough ripples and you change the tide, for the future is never truly set.

      来自Android客户端17楼2015-02-04 00:41