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Game of wealth and power
.Long ago i heard of the book, but has notbeen read, finally finished on this holiday, feeling a lot. Major, as theoriginator of a thought and a revolution,, he's starting point is good, but heignored the human nature, didn`t know the temptation of power for the people .a joke said that Stalin in the Soviet union Invited Marx to make a speech , butonly allowed him to say a word, Marx said I'm sorry .if Major could know whathappened after his death, he would regret it.
All of the story is like a real happenedhistory of the communist revolution, using animals to describe people . simple and honest and hardworking horse had a hardlife and leader sold him when he was ill ,who eventually master the manor and bringmuch more pain than the period of human is pig, .compared to the real world, it is a perfect irony.
In fact, I believe that the pig from thestart is not bad, just step by step, corroding by power. From the beginning ofparliament to the end of the dictatorship in dogs threat .Everyone had, fromthe beginning, a noble goal, when they are enemies of farmers , but when thethreat has just gone, there is a greater desire for power. People may notdefeat the desires of rights,. .Mere insistence of a concept can't maintain theintegrity of a regime This may beshortcoming of the ideal communist society .Right cannot rely on trust, but onchecks and balances of power .
there is a fairy tale,. once upon a time,there was a dragon, every village should give wealth and beauty to him, every yearthere are many heroes to slew the dragon, but haven't come back, once there isa curious villagers followed a hero secretly to observe, seeing the hero killed the dragon, looking at themountain treasure, gradually turned into a dragon .
Power and wealth is enough to change aperson.The history of the animal farm , trading between the human farm andanimal farm, communist society, just are the games of power and wealth.

1楼2015-03-03 20:27回复