Lancer占了好多预算. 我爱死了 (译: 我也是, 所以头三张图一定要是大狗)
Lancer gets so much budget. I love it.
Well that was fun, especially the fight between Lancer and Archer.
为什麼我们在没有CASTER的回忆片段下需要再看一次葛木的回忆? (而且这也太迟出现了)
And they still keep rushing.
You know I am so tired of them cutting out important plot and character development for sake of anime original flashbacks for characters that do not matter that much.
Why did we need Kuizuki flashback again when we had no Caster flashback((and it is already too late).
Archer/Lancer之间的战斗太赶了. 这至少也是三倍速
The fight was way too rushed between archer/lancer. It was at least at 3x speed.
And they REALLY toned down the damage Archer should have received.
在动画党看来Caster的实力定然非常不稳定, 考虑到由凛能完全挡下Caster的攻击(一些她本来不应该能做到的事),然后C妈突然占了上风, 之后忽然变成凛有优势了
Rin/Caster was bullshit.
Caster must seem VERY inconsistent in power for anime onlies, considering it starts with Rin completely obliterating Caster's attacks(something she should not be able to do) and then Caster sudenly has upper hand. And then suddenly Rin has upper hand again.
Probably 5 min or so cut again.
What would you do if they said nothing was cut?
Then Blu Ray box 2 would have less content than Blu Ray box 1.
这棒呆了!葛木过去的故事有点儿赶, Lancer vs Archer 的战斗也是, 不过那Rho Aius 对 Gae Bolg, 凛的强攻, Traceo On 还有其他东西都很准确(地还原了).
Hail Ufo. This was awesome! Kuzuki backstory was a bit rushed, as was the Lancer vs Archer fight, but the Rho Aius vs Gae Bolg, Rin beatdown, Trace On and everything else was spot on.
我对这集最大的问题是Saber的福利镜头. 真的受不了这样的胡闹.
My biggest problem with the episode was the Saber fanservice shot. Really tired of that nonsense.
如果她换回了原来的发髻的话, 我们就暴动
If she changes it back to a bun we riot.
这是Saber的选择, 通过她的新发型记住曾经与Caster的斗争.就是这样的奉献和荣誉精神.
It is Saber's choice to remember Caster's struggles through her new hairstyle.
Such dedication and honour
他们是一样的赶. 但至少DEEN版的UBW没有填充物(fillers:拿来充时间的内容,对实际剧情推进没有帮助)XD
The rush is the same. At least UBWdeen dont have fillers xD
Must... not... bite... bait...
嘛, 在这部分上DEEN版UBW和UFO差不多赶.
Well, DEENUBW rushed this part as much as ufoubw.
对, 和我现在想的差不多. 两者都很赶而且极其不连贯, 但起码DEEN版的UBW没有对着原著吐一脸/没UFO吐得那麼多
Yep. Pretty much my thoughts so far. Both are rushed and inconsistent as hell, but at least deenUBW does not spit in the face of source material as much.
你应该重新看一次Ydeenubw, 它要差得多和赶得多了
You should rewatch deenubw, it was so bad and way more rushed
嗯...在剧场版这段只有五分钟, 而且看起来像屎一样.
Uhm... This episode was five minutes in DEEN's movie. And it all looked like shit too.
Fun fact:
The word "Rush" has been used 15 times so far in this thread not counting quotes.
Why didnt Archer just kill Shirou before killing Caster?