- adj. sickly sweet; excessive; 发腻
- disgusting or distasteful by reason of excess <cloying sweetness>
- causing or tending to cause disgust or aversion through excess: a perfume of cloying
sweetness; overly ingratiating [讨好; 逢迎] or sentimental.
- e.g. The story was sentimental yet cloying.
- v. (koh uh lehs') 合并; to grow together to form a single whole; blend; unite.
- e.g. The survey responses were coalesced into a single document.
- e.g. Their ideas coalesced into a new theory.
- n. / a strongbox; a large chest for money; 保险箱
- e.g. The bulletproof glass of the coffer is what keeps the crown jewels secure.
- adj. clear; convincing; valid; persuasive; pertinent 有关; 切实
e.g. Swayed by the cogent [convincing] argument of the defense, the jury had no choice
but to acquit 无罪释放 the defendant.
- n./ An often secret action taken by two or more parties to achieve an illegal or improper purpose. / 勾结/ a conspiracy for fraudulent purposes.
e.g. He found no evidence of collusion between record companies and retailers.
- n. 球拍; a loud unpleasant noise; a din 暄闹.
e.g. the kids were making a racket.
synonyms: noise, din, hubbub 沸沸扬扬, clamor, uproar, tumult, commotion, rumpus, pandemonium, babel, hullabaloo
- n. an illegal or dishonest scheme for obtaining money.a protection racket
synonyms: scheme, fraud, swindle, rip-off, shakedown