parkjellyindahouse吧 关注:2贴子:13
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IP属地:浙江1楼2016-06-14 14:08回复
    Governmentshould spend money on railways rather than roads?
    Advantage:railway: accommodate more passengers /more environment-friendly/ expensive
    Road: benefit the daily travel and short-distance travel/ cheap
    Disadvantage railway expensive
    Road traffic jam
    21 centurywitnesses a rapid advancement of science and technology as well as profound changesof traffic transportations, which is, from bicycle to various vehicles, fromtrain to high speed rail. While in fact these changes nowadays offer a huge dilemmabecause someone advocates that the government should spend more money onrailways rather than roads. From my perspective, it is hard to realize this assumptionand road constructions should share the same attention and money from thegovernment as far as I am concerned.
    Railways doprovide numerous conveniences to the public, especially in long-distancetraveling. It takes nearly 3 or 4 hours from a car diver to go to Hangzhou from Ningbo, twocities in Zhejiangprovince, however, thanks to the high speed railways, the time is shortened to1 hour or even less. In spite of the tremendous benefits it brings, people cannot neglect a striking disadvantage, which is building the railway can pose ahuge destroy to the environment as well as cause some irreversible damage tothe rock constructions. Taken shanghai, one of the most prosperous city inchina as an example, due to its comprehensive railway lines, the underground ofshanghai has been damaged and every year, this oriental pearl sink little bylittle and experts expect that the whole city might disappear within halfcentury.
    Compared tothe severe problems of railways, construction on road seems causing lessdamages, one of which may regard as a major obstruction to traffic for roadsare used every day, once the roads are blocked to refresh or rebuilt, the wholeroad cannot be used until it is finished. Traffic jams and blocking, in fact,is some petty problems comparing to the merits it produces. Because roadsrelate people’s daily life, it is of great significance to perfect theinfrastructure of traffic, spending more money on roads can guarantee that atleast residents can have a more easy and convenient way to travel, visitrelatives, go shopping or even just roam around the city.
    Infrastructureshould be highly valued when government makes a decision. Imagine the situationif a city has bad road systems and advance railway lines, how would you feeland would you be willing to live there. Road construction is the foundation ofother traffic methods including railways and maybe even flights. As long as thefoundation is solid, the upper house could be developed faster and better. Therefore,it is not so much a true or false problem. In fact, both roads and railwaysshould be valued equally.

    IP属地:浙江2楼2016-06-14 14:08