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IP属地:广东1楼2016-11-20 21:49回复
    The new branch ofJapanese Army fighters includes 9 aircraft, each with its own distinctivecharacter. In general, they can be compared to fencers: lightly armed, but verymaneuverable. The main differences of this branch from the Zero series aretheir more accurate, but less powerful weapons, and better handling in turns,but even lower durability.

    IP属地:广东2楼2016-11-20 21:49
      The aircraft ofthe new branch reflect the evolution of the Japanese Army’s aviation and agradual change in the paradigm. The low-tier planes are extremely fragile,lightly armed, and very maneuverable in close combat. The mid-tier planes aremid-altitude interceptors that have slightly sacrificed their maneuverabilityin favor of armor protection and enhanced weapons. The high-tier planes can bedescribed as dynamic and elusive "glass cannons".

      IP属地:广东3楼2016-11-20 21:50

        IP属地:天津来自iPhone客户端4楼2016-11-20 21:53
          川崎 Ki-27
          One of the mostwidely produced and famous fighters of the Japanese Army. The Ki-27 showedexcellent performance in the skies over China. By the time the Empire of Japanentered World War II, it was the main plane of the IJAAF that saw service overthe Indochinese Peninsula, Malaya, the Philippines, and Burma and was used forhomeland defense.

          The all-metalmonoplane was only slightly inferior to the preceding biplanes inmaneuverability, but was significantly superior in other flightcharacteristics. Weak machine guns were not considered a significant drawbackback then, while its high stability in the wide range of speeds along with goodhandling made it an excellent plane for air duels. The aircraft was extensivelyused in the initial period of the Pacific War. However, as in the case with theKi-10, the more advanced aircraft of the Allies forced the Japanese designersto start developing the next generation of fighters. The Ki-27 were graduallyrelegated to training and finally to kamikaze use.

          In the game, theNakajima Ki-27 is an excellent duelist in tier III. Its excellent roll and yawmaneuverability make it a favorite even in an engagement with the I-16 (early).The 12.7 mm machine guns feature high accuracy, but deal relatively low damage.However, it does not pose a problem in a turning battle. The Ki-27 is capableof maneuvering longer than most enemy planes: despite a weak boost and poordive speed gain, it is good at conserving energy and quickly accelerating.

          IP属地:广东6楼2016-11-20 22:01
            Development of thelegendary Ki-43 Hayabusa ("Peregrine Falcon") was started in late1937, and its first prototype was completed in 1939. The plane inherited a lotfrom the then main Imperial Army Ki-27 fighter. The specification for the newproject called for a higher range, ceiling, speed, and rate of climb, whilstkeeping the maneuverability at least (!) as good as that of the Ki-27. TheKi-43 is a typical example of the compromises that the Japanese designers hadto make. The excellent handling, rate of climb, and maneuverability of thefighter were achieved primarily by lightening the airframe as much as possible.As a result, its durability became so low that its pilots avoided diving due tothe risk of destroying the wings.

            The Ki-43-Ientered service in 1941 and successfully fought in Malaya, the Dutch EastIndies (Indonesia), Burma, and New Guinea. The Allied pilots who faced theseaircraft in the Pacific Ocean Theater were taken aback by the climb rate andmaneuverability of the Ki-43, which made it a tough target for the U.S.fighters, the P-36 and P-40 in particular.

            The in-gameKi-43-I is very similar to its predecessor (the Ki-27) and features excellentmaneuverability in all axes, good energy conservation and dynamics, as well ashigh weapon accuracy. In top configuration, the planes are equipped with two 20mm cannons, although a high knockdown ability should not be expected. Thedisadvantages of the Hayabusa are typically low durability, susceptibility tocritical damage and fire, and quite low dive performance. Nevertheless, most adversarieswill not be able to outmaneuver this fighter in a turning battle at closerange. The main thing to remember when playing this aircraft is to stay awayfrom massive engagements; the Ki-43 is designed for duels.

            IP属地:广东8楼2016-11-20 22:06

              IP属地:山东来自Android客户端11楼2016-11-20 22:15

                IP属地:广东来自Android客户端20楼2016-11-20 23:15

                  来自Android客户端22楼2016-11-21 00:21

                    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端23楼2016-11-21 11:19

                      IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端24楼2016-11-21 11:27

                        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端25楼2016-11-21 11:30

                          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端26楼2016-11-21 11:39
                            在WT里玩的手感:三式战和四式战不如隼灵活 水平机动不佳

                            IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端29楼2016-11-21 18:58