胆固醇吧 关注:453贴子:1,257
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István Horváth Dr. Doctor of Biology Doctorof Medicine (Doctor of Biology) has devoted his life to cholesterol research aquarter of a century. He wrote his doctoral dissertation and doctoral thesis onDoctoral Biology. These studies were organically linked to the discovery ofanti-cholesterol antibodies and, on this basis, to find a vaccine suitable forrestoring cholesterol metabolism.
【霍尔瓦特伊斯特万】 MTA医学生物学博士(生物学博士),毕生致力于胆固醇的研究近1/4世纪。他撰写博士论文和博士论文。这些研究与抗胆固醇抗体的发现相关,并在此基础上发明一种适合恢复胆固醇代谢的疫苗。
When did you decide to deal withcholesterol research?
In LIFE people often do not do what theydecided in their childhood. I was doing this as well. It was quite acoincidence that led me to start cholesterol research. For a long time, I wasdriving the Serology Department at the Ghost Department of Skin-Enemy. We werethe designated institute that verified the uncertain cases that occurred duringthe diagnosis of syphilis. He said that one of them had syphilis and the otherhad been exempted from having syphilis despite being positive in serologicalscreening. Research into the cause of non-syphilis but serological positivecauses led to a previously unknown antibody to cholesterol-relatedanti-cholesterol antibodies.
What was this antibody?
This is a cholesterol-specificimmunoglobulin. The production of specific immunoglobulins, antibodies,antigens. Being a cholesterol antigen may be a surprise to me because fordecades I have taught physicians and specialists that cholesterol is not anantigen. To my surprise this antibody responded specifically to it. Then, youare interested in the role of anti-cholesterol antibody in your body.
At first I thought it was a role intriggering atherosclerosis. To address this question, it was necessary toproduce an antigen that could be used to increase the antibody production. Whenwe got there that we could boost the experimental animal, the production ofthis antibody was just the opposite. That is, it has an important role to playin preventing atherosclerosis, and even its re-development.
When we started looking closely at theantibody, we discovered that it has a role in cholesterol metabolism. To ensurehealthy cholesterol metabolism, an adequate amount of cholesterol antibody isneeded.
Where did these research go?
They went to the National Institute ofDermatology. We got stunned about it, just about syphilis serology, we did notlook for it, we accidentally found it. Just like when you find a big amber onthe sea shore.
This "amber" when we found it wasso new and contradicted all the knowledge that had been taught cholesterolearlier. When I visited the director and told him what a wonderful, completelynew discovery he was unable to accept. Indeed, it is not possible to do so, soI should know that.
According to them, as the discovery wasborn, has the struggle for it begun?
This was the first wall, becausecholesterol is a very important building material in our body and apre-material for important compounds. It plays a primary role in many areas. Itis made up of animal, human cell membranes. True, it does not have much to do.In every animal body, it occurs in the cell membrane, if it is very small, butthere. Using a questionnaire: what is the brick wall? Brick! - was the answer.The few. It is necessary for the mortar to connect. There must be cholesterolas a "mortar" if there is little to be in the cell membrane becausewithout that there can be no healthy membrane.
What were the stages of the finalformulation of the product?
We have discovered that there is ananti-cholesterol antibody.
Acceptance and acceptance of this antibodywas very difficult since we have previously argued that cholesterol is not anantigen. How to develop antibodies against it if it is not an antigen.
When it became apparent that cholesterolcould be an antigenic property, we began to research the production ofantigen-bearing cholesterol. Meanwhile, a method had to be developed toroutinely perform the antibody detection.
Then we asked what this antibody was for?Because nothing in nature is just to be.
We developed an immunization protocol thatwas used to optimize antibody production. Several attempts have been made toconfirm the increase in antibody production, its intensity and itsadjuvant-related influence.
Observations were made on the interactionwith the antitoxins of bacteria in the body.
When we had the diagnostic and immunizationmethod in our hands, we could begin researching what kind of pharmacology theanesthetist had in the living organism. At first it was clear that he wasacting in conjunction with cholesterol-related physiological processes.
We used methods to induce atherosclerosis.These were rather time-consuming tasks because such an experiment lasted for 19to 25 weeks. Persistent work has yielded the result. It has become clear thatthe antibody has a clear effect on preventing and reversing atherosclerosis.
We could not go to the task to clarify theimpact of reproduction on biological processes. Therefore, artificiallyfertilized animals have shown that their embryo defense function and thefertilization enhancing effect of increased antibody levels.

IP属地:河北1楼2017-10-27 12:48回复