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IP属地:法国1楼2019-05-02 12:42回复

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2019-05-02 12:43
      14. Hole, "Malibu" (1998)
      With an introduction from friend Drew Barrymore, the Courtney Love-fronted band gave us grunge and confetti for their performance of "Malibu." Love's raspy voice melded perfectly with that of her bandmate Melissa Auf der Maur and the performance's multi-axe attack proved there's no such thing as too much guitar.
      在朋友德鲁·巴里摩尔(Drew Barrymore)的介绍下,考特尼·洛夫(Courtney love)领衔的乐队为我们演奏《马里布》(Malibu)献上了垃圾音乐和五彩纸屑。Love刺耳的嗓音和她的乐队成员Melissa Auf der Maur的嗓音完美地融合在一起,而她的多斧攻击也证明了吉他并不多。

      在朋友德鲁·巴里摩尔(Drew Barrymore)的介绍下,考特尼·洛夫(Courtney love)领衔的乐队为我们演奏《马里布》(Malibu)献上了垃圾摇滚乐和五彩纸屑。Love刺耳的嗓音和她的乐队成员Melissa Auf der Maur的嗓音完美地融合在一起,而她的多斧攻击也证明了吉他并不多。

      IP属地:法国4楼2019-05-02 12:45
        13. Shania Twain, "(If You're Not In It for Love) I'm Outta Here" (1995)
        Shania Twain rocked the house with her performance of "(If You’re Not In It for Love) I’m Outta Here" at the '95 Billboard Music Awards. The track -- which peaked at No. 1 on the Hot Country Songs chart in 1996 -- truly showed off Twain’s powerful vocals. Her performance at the awards show also shined with its simplicity; just Twain twirling and singing center stage with a band backing her up.

        IP属地:法国6楼2019-05-02 12:47
          12. Alicia Keys, Angie Stone & Eve, "A Woman's Worth / Brotha" (2001)
          Keys delighted the audience with her signature piano and sang "A Woman’s Worth" with the accompaniment of a full band and backup singers. About two minutes in, she introduced soulstress Angie Stone to perform a funked-up remix of Stone's hit single "Brotha," as photos of prolific black men flashed on the screen. The already spectacular show was further enhanced when the pair was joined by E-V-E, who dedicated her rap verse to "all the strong brothas."
          Keys以她的标志性钢琴取悦了观众,并在一个完整的乐队和后备歌手的伴奏下演唱了《一个女人的价值》。大约两分钟后,她介绍了灵魂女歌手安吉·斯通(Angie Stone)演唱了斯通的热门单曲《Brotha》(Brotha)的混音版,当时屏幕上闪现着许多黑人男性的照片。当E-V-E将她的说唱诗奉献给《all The strong brothas》时,这对搭档的表演更加精彩。

          IP属地:法国7楼2019-05-02 12:49
            11. Janet Jackson, "The Pleasure Principle" / "So Excited" (2006)
            Janet demonstrated that 20 years after her debut, she was in "Control" as she performed a mashup of her hits "The Pleasure Principle" and "So Excited" during the 2006 BBMAs. Following a montage of her career-spanning visuals, Ms. Jackson emerged solo from a cloud of smoke to deliver her timeless choreography. From there, the energy of the moment went into full effect when she was joined by dancers during "So Excited" for a performance that was full of spins, flips and floor slides.
            珍妮特在2006年的英国金像奖颁奖典礼上表演了她的热门单曲《快乐原则》(The Pleasure Principle)和《太兴奋了》(So Excited)的混搭。在她的职业生涯跨度的视觉效果蒙太奇之后,杰克逊从烟雾中独自出现,展示了她永恒的编舞。从那时起,当她在一场充满旋转、翻转和滑梯的“如此激动”的表演中与舞者们一起时,那一刻的能量发挥到了极致。

            IP属地:法国8楼2019-05-02 12:50

              IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端10楼2019-05-02 12:52
                9.Beyoncé, "Me, Myselfand I" (2003)
                Beyoncé appeared to be her"own best friend" on stage while performing the 2003 ballad "Me,Myself, and I," only accompanied by replicas of her likeness througha multi-paneled mirror. Bey’s performances are often limitless, and shetook the song into the crowd to croon directly to OutKast, among other membersof the audience. Upon returning to the stage, it was revealed that thereflections in the mirror were actually dancers made to look like thesinger -- and she was then joined by rows of blonde-fringed clones who helpedher close out the show.

                IP属地:法国11楼2019-05-02 12:52
                  8. P!nk, "God Is aDJ" (2003)
                  Years before she incorporatedcircus-worthy acrobatics into her live shows, P!nk flipped and defied gravity e2003 Billboard Music Awards. During her performance of theinspirational Try This hit "God Is A DJ," the stagewas fittingly set to look like a turntable and the dancers busted moves allaround. P!nk also cemented her badass reputation when she fell into the backupdancers' arms through a trust fall, and later sang upside down -- promptingcheers all around.
                  在她把马戏团的杂技表演融入她的现场表演之前,P!在2003年的公告牌音乐奖上,nk颠覆了地心引力。在她演唱励志歌曲《上帝是DJ》(God Is A DJ)时,舞台被恰当地设置成一个转盘,舞者们四处乱舞。P !nk也巩固了她的好名声,她在一次信任摔倒中摔倒在伴舞者的手臂上,后来倒过来唱歌,引起了周围的欢呼声。

                  IP属地:法国12楼2019-05-02 12:53
                    7. BrunoMars, "Treasure" (2013)
                    The spirit of the 1970s was alive andwell with Bruno Mars’ 2013 performance of "Treasure." For starters,the stage was essentially a disco ball brought to life as many of the mirroredlight fixtures lit up the set. Mars and his band, The Hooligans, also gaveoff Soul Trainvibes as they coordinated dance moves in matching red suits.They even delivered an iconic dance break during the bridge, which truly rockedthe house and turned into a party as confetti fell from the ceiling to theirflawless harmonies.
                    随着布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars) 2013年的《宝藏》(Treasure)演出,20世纪70年代的精神依然鲜活。首先,舞台本质上是一个迪斯科球,因为许多镜面灯光照亮了整个布景。马尔斯和他的乐队“流氓乐队”(Hooligans)穿着配套的红色套装,协调舞蹈动作,发出灵魂训练的声音。他们甚至在大桥上表演了一段标志性的舞蹈,这段舞蹈震撼了整座房子,随着五彩纸屑从天花板上飘落下来,他们完美的和声变成了一场派对。

                    IP属地:法国13楼2019-05-02 12:53
                      6. Mariah Carey, "IStill Believe" (1998)
                      In 1998, Mariah Carey accepted ahistoric Billboard Hot 100 award for having the most No. 1s on the chart of anyfemale artist, with a total of 13 chart-topping singles -- an honor she stillholds, now clocking in at 18 No. 1s. Following an introduction from Stevie Wonderand Queen Latifah, Carey gave a chill-inducing performance of her "IStill Believe" ballad, a Brenda K. Starr cover. Fans could notcontain their screams during the set, especially when MC's backing choirjoined in for some untouchable harmonies.
                      1998年,玛丽亚·凯莉获得了公告牌百强单曲榜的冠军,这是一个具有历史意义的奖项,因为她在所有女艺人的排行榜上拥有最多的冠军,总共有13首单曲登上榜首——她仍然保持着这一荣誉,目前排名第18位。在史蒂夫·旺德和奎恩·拉提法的介绍下,凯莉演唱了布兰达·k·斯塔尔(Brenda K. Starr)的封面歌曲《IStill Believe》,令人不寒而栗。在片场,粉丝们无法控制自己的尖叫,尤其是当MC的伴唱加入到一些不可触摸的和声中时。

                      IP属地:法国14楼2019-05-02 12:54
                        5. Kesha, "It Ain't MeBabe" (2016)
                        All eyes were on Kesha as she took tothe Billboard Music Awards stage in 2016 for her first televised performancesince undergoing a very public legal battle with her former mentor Dr. Luke. Avision in white, the star covered Bob Dylan’s "It Ain’t MeBabe" and the emotional, stripped-down performance featured only her,a pianist and a violinist on stage with the lights down low. Kesha’ssentimental delivery showcased a new side of the pop star, and promptedapplause with every verse.
                        2016年,凯莎登上公告牌音乐颁奖典礼的舞台,这是她与前导师卢克博士(Dr. Luke)公开对簿公堂后的首次电视演出,所有人的目光都集中在她身上。艾维西身穿白色礼服,演唱了鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)的《It Ain 't MeBabe》(It 's not MeBabe)。舞台上灯光低低的,只有她——一位钢琴家和一位小提琴家——情绪激动地表演着。凯莎的演唱展现了这位流行歌手全新的一面,每一段都赢得了掌声。

                        IP属地:法国15楼2019-05-02 12:54
                          4. Miguel, "Adorn”(2013)
                          L.A.singer Miguel brought his seductive blend of alt-R&B to the BBMAs toperform his single "Adorn," from 2012's Kaleidoscope Dream.Clad in a crisp white suit, Miguel delivered dreamy harmonies and showedoff his moves -- splits and all. The set design was equally captivating withits trippy screen projections of phrases and mood-setting colors. Althoughone of Miguel's stage jumps will forever live in infamy, the overallperformance confirmed his star power.

                          IP属地:法国16楼2019-05-02 12:55
                            3. Celine Dion, "TheShow Must Go On" (2016)
                            In January 2016, Celine Diontragically lost both her brother and husband to cancer in the same week.Months later, the veteran singer earned the Icon Award at the BBMAs anddelivered a performance that further cemented her iconic status. Dion's flawlessrendition of Queen's cinematic 1990 ballad was backed by a full orchestra,and she proved that indeed, "the show must go on" in honor of herloved ones.
                            2016年1月,Celine Diontragically在同一周因癌症失去了她的兄弟和丈夫。几个月后,这位经验丰富的歌手在bbma获得了偶像奖,她的表演进一步巩固了她的偶像地位。迪翁对奎恩1990年的电影歌谣的完美演绎得到了一个完整的管弦乐队的支持,她证明了,为了纪念她所爱的人,“演出必须继续下去”。

                            IP属地:法国17楼2019-05-02 12:56
                              2. Whitney Houston, "I Have Nothing" (1993)
                              Whitney Houston swept the 1993 Billboard Music Awards, taking home a total of 11 awards. During the show, the powerhouse singer brought down the house with a performance of "I Have Nothing," from the soundtrack of The Bodyguard. The track -- which peaked at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 that year -- showed off Houston's expansive vocal range, and her peerless performance at the awards ceremony can still induce goosebumps 25 years later.

                              IP属地:法国18楼2019-05-02 12:56