Humans don't die instantly in vacuum. If you exhale first (like Naomi) your lungs wouldn't explode due to the decompression (since it's really 1 Atmosphere of pressure, about 40ft beneath water type of perssure), if you try to hold your breath or otherwise fight against it then bad stuff happens (you lungs would explode).
You also don't freeze in space because there's no way to do conductive or heat spread by air, so the only way you would lose heat is through radiantion and that's slow.
Humans usually would have 15 seconds of counciousness in vacuum (maybe a few seconds longer if you preped like Naomi and took a deep breath to increase your oxygen level in your blood) if you did what you need to do. Naomi have a vial of hyperoxygenated Blood she got from the airlock medkit, allowing herself a few more moments before losing conciousness. Damage to the body however would happen regardless at ~30s but that's not a death sentence, just some serious damage that definitely need to be dealt with.