图片发不出 请教下吧u Maya exporter To set up the Maya exporter, follow these steps: Run the “PdxExporterInstall.exe” AS ADMINISTRATOR. Go through the setup process. --In this guide, when spoken about "C:/Users/YOUR_USER/pdx_exporter/", it is referred to the directory you selected during this process. Before clicking finish, make sure you've enabled the "Run Maya Exporter Deploy Wizard". Click Finish. NOTE: The Clausewitz "Maya Exporter Deploy Wizard" unfortunately exports files to your Windows drive, therefore C:/Users/YOUR_USER/Documents/ in this guide, will always refer to YOURWINDOWSDRIVE:/Users/YOUR_USER/Documents/. Even if you setup "My Documents" to be in a different directory or drive. It might be easier to remember that when this guide shows a directory with /Documents/ in it, it will be on your windows drive. When it doesn't, it's in the directory you installed it. Run Maya and make the below commands into a shortcut, most easily done by following these instructions: Go into your plugin manager (At the top menu in Maya navigate trough Windows > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager) and enable the “pdx_exporter.mll” plugin. If it's not there you need to click Browse and search for it, in the directory where you installed PdxExporterInstall.exe to (default C:/Users/YOUR_USER/pdx_exporter/maya/maya_20xx_sdk_x64 (Don't ask me why it doesn't defaultly installed in /documents/ there)). Make sure you've selected the right exporter according to the version of Autodesk Maya you have installed. Paste the following in the MEL input area at the bottom of your screen: rehash; source pdx_export_ui.mel; showPdxExport; // Error: Line 1.33: Cannot find file "pdx_export_ui.mel" for source statement. -> Just add the directory. (e.g. rehash; source "C:/Users/YOUR_USER/Documents/maya/scripts/pdx_export_ui.mel"; showPdxExport;) Select the entire command string that you've just entered in the MEL field, and while pressing the middle mouse button, you can drag the command string to your shelf (top bar, you will notice when there's a [+] sign at your pointer) in Maya. Click on "MEL" when it says "Save script to shelf as type:". Your game directory will have to be manually assigned before the exporter can be used. By default, the file where this has to be is “C:/Users/YOUR_USER/Documents/Paradox Interactive/PdxExporter/settings/clausewitz.txt”. Below to [Terra], edit "s 1" so it points to the root directory of the game folder (X:/Steam/steamapps/common/Stellaris) Edit "target_exe s 1" to be pointing at the exe file (X:/Steam/steamapps/common/Stellaris/stellaris.exe) (optional) You can change [Terra] to [Stellaris]. If you did not find this file in the given default directory, you can copy it from the "Clausewitz Maya Exporter" directory (default C:/Users/YOUR_USER/pdx_exporter/) into the right place (C:/Users/YOUR_USER/Documents/Paradox Interactive/PdxExporter/settings/) Clicking the exporter on your shelf in Maya should now be possible, but before an object can be exported, we will have to set up the necessary materials using photoshop.