
Moemon HeartGold
version 2.0
- Added 3 new lines with Unique style (Koffing, Dratini, and Meditite).
- Added Mega evolution (Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Beedrill, Pidgeot, Medicham).
- Added moves from Gen 5 and some of Gen 6.
- Moves are now changed to Gen 7-8 standard (ex. Leech Life has base power of 80).
- Johto dex is now expanded to include Gen 3 and 4 mons.
- Added Fairy type.
- Shiny rate is now at 32x by default.
- Wild pokemon, gym leaders and Johto trainers are now rebalanced.
- Wild encounter area changed.
- Parasect type is now changed.
- Several changes in Moemon's movesets (Meganium now can fare better against Lance).
- Celebi's event in Ilex Forest can now be accessed with any Celebi.
Known Issues:
- Some moves past Gen 4 might not be accurate or function properly.
- Castform forms' icons during battle don't show up correctly.
- Battle frontier move tutor is removed due to compatibility issues.
- Some backsprite might be cut off. This is due to the limitation of the Project style sprite.

Moemon HeartGold
version 2.0
- Added 3 new lines with Unique style (Koffing, Dratini, and Meditite).
- Added Mega evolution (Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Beedrill, Pidgeot, Medicham).
- Added moves from Gen 5 and some of Gen 6.
- Moves are now changed to Gen 7-8 standard (ex. Leech Life has base power of 80).
- Johto dex is now expanded to include Gen 3 and 4 mons.
- Added Fairy type.
- Shiny rate is now at 32x by default.
- Wild pokemon, gym leaders and Johto trainers are now rebalanced.
- Wild encounter area changed.
- Parasect type is now changed.
- Several changes in Moemon's movesets (Meganium now can fare better against Lance).
- Celebi's event in Ilex Forest can now be accessed with any Celebi.
Known Issues:
- Some moves past Gen 4 might not be accurate or function properly.
- Castform forms' icons during battle don't show up correctly.
- Battle frontier move tutor is removed due to compatibility issues.
- Some backsprite might be cut off. This is due to the limitation of the Project style sprite.