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IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端1楼2024-06-29 11:33回复
    JTWC Mission: Provide tropical cyclone analysis, forecast and warning support for Department of Defense, and other US Government assets in the Pacific and Indian Oceans as established by Commander, United States Pacific Command

    IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-06-29 11:34
      Today’s Joint Typhoon Warning Center traces its origins to June 1945, when the Fleet Weather Center (FWC)/Typhoon Tracking Center was established on Guam after the Pacific Fleet experienced significant loss of men and ships in the typhoons of December 1944 and June 1945. The Typhoon Tracking Center was one of three Navy and two Air Force units responsible for tropical cyclone reconnaissance and warnings in the Pacific. In 1950, the Department of the Navy authorized Fleet Weather Central to provide weather services to civil agencies and the general public on Guam, a service that was expanded in 1953 to include all the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands. To this day, the Department of Defense is responsible for typhoon warnings for the Federated States of Micronesia.

      IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端3楼2024-06-29 11:37
        Housing JTWC did not exempt the FWC from the impacts of typhoons, as demonstrated by Typhoon Karen in November 1962 when the storm destroyed the building they occupied, causing the eventual relocation of FWC/JTWC to a more typhoon proof building in 1965. In 1974 the JTWC area of responsibility expanded to include the whole of the Northern Indian Ocean, and in 1980 the Southern Hemisphere was added to the mix.

        IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端5楼2024-06-29 11:39
          Manned aerial weather reconnaissance began in January 1945 with the arrival of the 655th Bombardment Squadron on Guam. The B-24 aircraft were used to conduct en route and target weather reconnaissance. However it wasn’t until June of that year that the 655th was re-designated the 55th Reconnaissance Squadron, that the first typhoon reconnaissance occurred. In 1945, the 54th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron was established at Andersen AFB, Guam and the 55th rotated back to the United States. At this time, the weather reconnaissance mission transitioned to the WB-29 airframe. Other aircraft used include the Super Constellation, flown by the Airborne Early Warning Squadron One (VW-1) from Naval Air Station, Guam, and the WC-130. Aerial reconnaissance in the western North Pacific continued until 1987, when the Air Force transitioned the mission to weather satellites. The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) polar orbiting satellites were the mainstay along with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiters and indigenous geostationary satellites. Satellite reconnaissance continues to be the primary means to assess tropical cyclone location and intensity across the entire JTWC area of responsibility.

          IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端6楼2024-06-29 11:42
            JTWC moved to its current location in Hawaii in 1999 after the 1995 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) committee recommended the closure of the Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Guam. The Air Force members of JTWC are administratively assigned to the 17 Operational Weather Squadron, Hickam AFB, Hawaii currently under Command of Lieutenant Colonel Kurt Brueske and the Navy members are assigned to the Naval Maritime Forecast Center under Command of Captain Grant Cooper. A small staff support watch standing/shift working members of JTWC who work 12 hour rotating shifts to maintain a 24 hour per day, 7 day a week, 365 days a year watchful eye for tropical cyclone development. This 2-person team is responsible for determining the center position, current intensity, forecast locations and forecast intensity for 89% of the worlds tropical cyclones. To date, JTWC has issuing warnings on more than 2,500 tropical cyclones throughout its area of responsibility. JTWC’s ability to accurately forecast tropical cyclones has improved significantly over the past 50 years. Verification statistics show today’s 5-day forecast accuracy is about equal to the 2-day forecast accuracy 35 years ago.

            IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端7楼2024-06-29 11:43

              IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端12楼2024-06-29 12:03

                IP属地:黑龙江来自iPhone客户端13楼2024-06-29 13:23
                  厕 所 简 史

                  IP属地:江西14楼2024-06-29 15:14

                    IP属地:广西来自Android客户端15楼2024-06-30 01:01