2http://www.axdisk.cn/vip/granta/Alan-Jackson-Remember-When.wma Remember when I was young and so were you And time stood still and love was all we knew You were the first, so was I We made love and then you cried Remember when Remember when we vowed the vows and walked the walk gave our hearts, made the start, it was hard We lived and learned, life threw curves There was joy, there was hurt Remember when Remember when old ones died and new were born And life was changed, disassembled, rearranged We came together, fell apart And broke each other's hearts Reme
1Hero ENRIQUE IGLESIAS Let me be your hero Would you dance, if I asked you to dance? Would you run, and never look back? Would you cry, if you saw me crying? And would you save my soul, tonight? Would you tremble, if I touched your lips? Would you laugh? Oh please tell me this. Now would you die, for the one you love? Hold me in your arms, tonight. I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away. Would you swear, that you'll always be mine? Or would you lie? would you run and hide? Am I in too dee
11姓名:谢霆锋 组合成员: 性别:男 原名: 英文名:Nicholas Tse 出生年:1980年 生日:8月29日 星座:处女座 国籍:加拿大 地域:港台 职业:歌手 演员 身高:174.5公分 血型:A型 三围: 嗜好:收集吉他 谢霆锋来自一个有名的演艺家庭,他的父母亲[谢贤,狄波拉-李]都是杰出的艺人。在他八岁的时候,谢霆锋与他的双亲和妹妹就移民到加拿大的温哥华居住,他一直就读在温哥华的私人寄宿学院[直到十五岁]。因为这样的经
0http://www.vvpo.com/baidu/157855.htm 爱 作曲:谢霆锋 作词:徐若宣 谢霆锋、蔡卓妍-爱 恋玉 跌跌撞撞迷迷糊糊 生死轮回命运碰触 纷扰之中 我似乎听见你的苦 哭着说苦你的无助 冥冥之中心痛着紧抱着你 跋山涉水为谁停 天知道你对我有多么重要 天知道我动了真情 爱就算要冒险 爱无所谓时间 护你到永远 爱坚定了信念 爱无所谓天边 我在这不会变 爱给我们阳光 爱带我们飞翔 抬头看蓝蓝的天空 我不在乎你变什么 我要成
1http://qq1.ting133.com//xietingfeng4/10.rm senses 曲 词:谢霆锋编曲:刘志远 I go bling When I look straight into the sun I go deaf when I hear thunders on the run But when I sse you sleeping here beside me. Life's just begun I can tell it to the whole world. You're the one I see your shadow cast on the wall When the sun shines I hear you calling through the window when it rains I tend to tremble when I start to think of just you andl I don't ko\now why. There's no reply It doesn't matter what happens to the weather, I'm shivering when I'm standing alon
2http://www.02922.com/Music_gequ/15004/ 孤儿仔 主唱:陈奕迅 苦荣 作曲 作词:李峻一 编曲:金培达 苦荣:传说世间每个人也会有一位天使护荫 陈奕迅:纵使渺小彷如微尘仍可栖身当爱人呼吸 苦荣:可惜像我这一种人圣母永远不肯给予怜悯 陈奕迅:每天如像苦儿祈求谁可真心的逗我开心 苦荣:谁说会与我骑回旋木马天黑透了伴我一起归家 陈奕迅:是我或你犯错了吗人被半路撇下 合唱:受那风吹雨打 合唱:谁人会爱我这种孤儿仔 陈奕迅:流落到谷底 苦荣:
0http://www3.vvpo.com/song9/UUauth/ljl-mp3/Simple%20Life/10.wma 作词:胡黎 作曲:门田英司 那时候 爸爸总是陪我一起走路上学去 那时候 妈妈总是怕我淋到雨 有时 我希望回到过去 握着它的手好安心 每天我在远方担心他的白发 我想回家 为什么一定要长大 为什么世界变得好复杂 我不想独自面对眼泪流下 我只想紧紧抱着他 有时候 我喜欢和朋友一起分享冒险的游戏 有时候 我宁可到海边去淋雨 只是我找不到我自己 我的心其实在逃
0http://dx.st020.org/file31/5779/7.wma 佳偶共连理 共对是多么美 你的心似嬉戏 不解这道理 飘拂变心的你 茫然话说别离 情人匆匆远走为了谁 谁令你牵记 当爱被遗弃 愿往事不多记 我的心此际偷偷想念你 只想远方的你 回来莫再别离 然而一等再等没了期 怀念借风寄 叮嘱晚风轻送柔情万千里 祈求星光再点未了情 重系两心 叮嘱晚风轻送柔情万千里 情人心中再起未了情 重为我牵记
0http:// 一生所爱-----卢冠廷 「西游记之仙履奇缘」主题曲 从前.现在.过去了再不回 红红落叶长埋尘土内 开始终结总是没变改 天边的你飘荡白云内 苦海,泛起爱恨 在世间,难逃避命运 相亲,竟不可接近 或我应该相信是缘分 情人别后永远再不回 无言落寞放眼尘世岸(愿来日再聚) 鲜花虽会凋谢,但会再开(为你) 一生所爱忍让(守候)白云外 苦海,泛起爱恨 在世间,难逃避命运 相亲,竟不可接近 或我应该相
0http://www.intoedu.com/course/w_3jk/image/dreamweaver/chapter09/pearl_01.mp3 There you'll be Faith Hill When I think back on these ti
2《In The End》 Linkin’Park It starts with one thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter How hard you try Keep that in mind I de
0She is gone Out of my life I was wrong I am to blame I was so untrue I can not live without her love In ny life there’s just an
0http://www.eskyblue.net/non-cgi/midi/rem-everybodyhurts.mp3 Everybody Hurts --REM When the day is long and the night, the night i
0http://fs7.139.com/0/37/qazguo/mov/938909411430358.asf 歌词大意: 寄语在风中,游荡在心中; 是你带来云彩的明天和那急促的脚步声; 在那月光闪