2http://post.baidu.com/f?kw=sondheim 讨论其人其剧。
6为什么在很多人眼里的音乐剧前几名会这样无人问津... 其实听了有两三年了,但每次听都像第一次一样新鲜,毕竟本剧变化太多样了,希望能有一天重新被人
1On the 12th and 13th May 2008, the following principal cast will perform a concert version of Chess together with the City of London Philhar
0Elaine Paige(original Florence) + Barbara Dickson(original Svetlana). 你还可以看到大米伯伯.....
1小人物的意思很难翻出来~抛砖引玉 What's going on around me 这一切像一场戏 Is barely making sense 多么荒诞离奇 I need some explanatio
2虽然刚开始想要瑞典版的,但突然觉得应该先听EP阿姨才比较有礼貌 拜谢贞子 review会在考试后贴来的~~
1贡献第一帖,先献我家Anthony Warlow叔叔年轻时候的Anthem视频 Youtube链接: youtube.com/watch?v=BHwFDBXsm94 土豆网链接: tudou.com/prog
17先来Where I want to be Who needs a dream? Who needs ambition? Who'd be the fool In my position? Once I had dreams Now they're obsess