8楼主是当年读书时经常和老爸一起打MMORPG,记得EQ2玩到了当年东方版关服,因为英语不好加上上高中了就没玩美服了,现在也上班了,家里老爸退休了,英语水平雅思7分,多年游戏经验玩RPG加上谷歌翻译基本没什么难度。 所以和家里老人怀旧一下,带他打EQ2 就是现在进游戏玩了两天,发现这个美服的和当年东方版区别好大啊。 什么职业转职,负重什么的都没有了,世界地图也好大,和以前不一样啊
3EveryquestⅡ东方版由台湾橘子游戏公司代理于2005年8月23日在大陆公开测试,因汉化质量问题及当时大陆电脑配置普遍不高导致玩家流失,最终于2006年3月30日停止运营。 依仗众多东方版老玩家及美服玩家的回归,以及我们对EQ2共同的爱好,也想找回当年游戏体验的向往,我们在怀旧服Kaladim服务器创建了中国人的公会——Cobras(怀旧服目前资料片更新到Kingdom of Sky,冒险包更新到The Fallen Dynasty,下一个资料片为Echoes of Faydwer)。 Cobras公会于2019/5成立,我们
62023年还想回来玩EQ2的兄弟姐妹 不知道如何玩 怎么下载客户端 可以直接找到我 706931338
6Broken Mirrors是2017年的新任务,完成以后可以得到25个玉米或者一个绿色蜘蛛或者一个闹鬼的婴儿床 步骤如下: 1、各个主城会出现一些墓地,多转转,从附近捡到一把铲子,会自动装备到装饰服装栏。 2、开始挖附近的墓碑,直到出现一个可以说话的女幽灵,他让你去找钥匙,各城市钥匙坐标如下: Frostfang Sea ( -347, 175, -145 ) . Qeynos Capitol District ( 442, -20, -276 ) . Kelethin ( 428, 94, 213 ) . Gorowyn ( 2615, 12, 1317 ) . Freeport ( -72, -34, -292 ) . 3、找到后点击钥匙,再和她
35HH老2,buff还没叠满就挂了,姑且算他站桩boss,DPS职业的输出构成,有兴趣的可以参考下。 PS:俺只是个勤劳的搬运工,DPS神马的是不懂哒,大家自由发挥就好,这贴俺不负责回答任何问题!
1科科裙:是酒是爱舞溜爱扒扒 钥卡五五到五八收
67三天前,在HOF服务器上新开了一个角色,属于从零开始的开荒,分享出来供大家参考 种族:Fae,good 职业:conjuror 主城:奎诺斯 角色:Lightor 从下面开始不定期的分享成长过程。
6id:Nzke Necromancer id:Lass shadowknight 另外,有华人公会加我一下可以吗?有人知道eq2里怎么输入中文?
4十几年前,魔兽还没正式登录中国的时候玩的EQ2,很不错的一款休闲游戏,可惜台湾的游戏橘子代理水平太差,没几个月就倒闭了。 当然,游戏里面太过休闲,缺乏竞争机制带来的快感,也是导致大众玩家不喜欢的重要原因,说白了国内玩家玩惯了砍打杀的韩系游戏有关,可能是韩国游戏率先进入中国市场并取得成功的缘故,玩就是要争第一,争强好胜,这样的竞争型网游风格观念占了先手。 免费玩了几天,顺利将近80级,唯一的感慨就是,TMD,以
2一般信息 EverQuest II 的第一个资料片今天在 Varsoon 推出!回到Island of Ro, the heart of the Dervish Empire, and the City of Maj'Dul,体验这片充满魔法、冒险和阴谋的土地! Maj'Dul 的交战法庭,Djinn Master 的阴谋,Shimmering Citadel 的荣耀,被遗忘的女神的奥秘,寂静之城的恐怖。这一切都在火焰沙漠的沙海中等待着你。 GENERAL The first expansion for EverQuest II launches today on Varsoon! Return to the Island of Ro, the heart of the Dervish Empire, and the City of Maj'Dul, the jewel of the desert. Experi
0经核实吧主venusrose 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 eq2吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
3所有服务器维护四小时 All EverQuest II servers will be taken offline on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. PDT* for a game update. Estimated downtime is expected be approximately 4 hours. 时区矫正查询 Time Zone Converter http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc
21目前eq2已经存在了10多年了,但是不失为是好好游戏。但是因为全英文界面所以很不友好,新手玩家要有一定的心理准备,最好能会简单的英文单词,能够快速上手游戏。 资料站主要有如下几个: 查任务 http://eq2.zam.com/ 查玩家aa和装备 http://u.eq2wire.com/ 大百科 http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/EverQuest_2_Wiki:Main_Page AOM副本资料 http://www.eq2stuff.com/ 地图资料 http://maps.eq2interface.com/ Ui资料 http://www.eq2interface.com/ 请将上述网站收藏 如果你有心理准备了,那么请看二楼。
2Check out the new familiars we've created for everyone. We're here to show our true colors and once again, we're celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month! This year, all of you can head to the Marketplace to get your hands/claws/paws on these awesome new lions. Along with last year's bunnies, here's what is available starting today and ending on July 7, 2022: Mithaniel's Proudheart Lion Mithaniel's Trueheart Lion Mithaniel's Boundless Heart Lion It's that time of year when we all show our support and love for ourselves, our families, friends, and fellow gamers. Join u
2All EverQuest II Servers will be taken offline on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. PDT (14:00 UTC). Estimated downtime is expected to last up to 3 hours for Kael Drakkel and 2 hours for all other servers.
1[图片]A whole new way to enjoy your summer and gain access to exclusive items.We're proud to announce the launch of our first annual Summer Jubilee! This event lasts all summer long and will incorporate Tinkerfest, Scorched Sky Celebration, and Oceansfull Festival where players can earn Copper Jubilation Medals which can be used to purchase exclusive items.[图片]Here's what is coming for Summer Jubilee:Live ServersJubilation parades can be found in each of the player cities, pathing near the event 网页链接 merchants can be found in each of the player cities exchanging e
0All EverQuest II Servers will be taken offline on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. PDT (14:00 UTC). Estimated downtime is expected to last up to 3 hours.
0Here is information about how you can join Varsoon's beta testing.Varsoon—our new Time-Locked Expansion server—is about to be in Beta and open for all members to test! Get an early look at our latest TLE at 11:00 a.m. PDT and help us ensure it's ready as we prepare for its official launch on May 24, 2022. If you want to know more about what playing on Varsoon will be like, check out the FAQ here. To patch and get into the Varsoon Beta server: Open your LaunchPad. In the top-left corner, click the 'Version' link which will open the 'Select Game Version' panel. Choose
1亲爱的eq2吧的吧友们:大家好! @venusrose 为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计1张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准其成为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu
1申请人:@venusrose 申请感言:为EQ2爱好者提供交流平台
0ABILITIES Profession abilities have had their state effect tier restrictions removed. ITEMIZATION The item "Lantern of Lunar Light" will now replace the item "Behind the Schemes" when dropped in Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid]. Fixed grammar on the Black Market Star Darkened Amulet's Market Correction effect. QUESTS Of Fire and Ice: Band of the Frost Maiden - Silverpaw will now drop a calcified old ring, even for those on Kael Drakkel. The Path to Understanding... - Fetish inventory items are now removed from inventory when quest is deleted. SERVICES Kael Drakke
0许多问题和答案希望涵盖您好奇的一切。 Varsoon将于2022年5月24日上线,正如所承诺的那样,以下是您一直渴望了解的所有详细信息和常见问题解答。 Varsoon上发生了什么? Varsoon 是一个时间锁定扩展 (TLE) 服务器,其中扩展会自动解锁。该服务器将与Kaladim TLE非常相似,除了Varsoon也将是一个自由贸易服务器。这意味着通常传家宝的物品将能够与其他玩家进行交易。 内容解锁每 16 周 扩展包大约每 16 周解锁一次,但《火焰沙漠》除外,后者为 12 周。这
0Many questions and answers hopefully covering everything about which you were curious. Varsoon will be going live on May 24, 2022 and, as promised, here are all the details you've been craving to know more about and an FAQ. What's Happening on Varsoon? Varsoon is a Time-Locked Expansion (TLE) server where expansions unlock automatically. This server will be very similar to the Kaladim TLE except that Varsoon will also be a Free-Trade server. Which means items that are normally heirloom, will be able to be traded with other players. Content Unlocks Every 16 Weeks Expansions will unlock