004000000情人节快到了,想对TA说点什么,却卡壳了? 爱秀国际英语助你一臂之力! 今天不送巧克力,教你用浪漫英语大胆示爱! 1. 情人节英文速递: Valentine’s Day: 情人节 Be my Valentine: 成为我的情人吧! Sweetheart/Honey/Darling: 亲爱的/甜心/宝贝 Love at first sight: 一见钟情 Head over heels: 彻底爱上 2. 英语浪漫告白,大胆说! “You make my heart skip a beat.” (你让我的心跳漏了一拍。) “I’m so glad you’re in my life.” (我很高兴我的生命中有你。) “I can’t imagine my li0000000一些在英语写作中被阅卷老师评高分的优美且富有表现力的短句。 良好的开端是成功的一半 Well begun is half done. 时间是治愈一切创伤的良药。 Time heals all wounds. 知识就是力量。 Knowledge is power. 每个人都有自己的闪光点。 Everyone has their own unique sparkle. 坚持到底,永不放弃。 Persevere and never give up. 机会总是垂青于有准备的人。 Opportunity favors the prepared mind. 逆境使人成长。 Adversity makes a man wise. 小事成就大事,细节决定成败。 Small things make big things happen, and0000000000重阳节在英语中被称为 "Double Ninth Festival" 或 "Chongyang Festival" Mountain Climbing - 登山 重阳节有登高望远的习俗,象征着避邪和健康长寿。 Chrysanthemum Appreciation - 赏菊 菊花在这个时节盛开,成为节日中观赏的重要元素。 Cornel (Dogwood) - 山茱萸/茱萸 古代习俗中,人们会佩戴茱萸以防病驱邪。 Double Ninth Cake - 重阳糕 一种节日特食,用糯米和多种果仁制成,象征着步步高升。 Respecting the Elderly - 尊老 重阳节后来发展成为敬老的节日,强调孝顺和000320申请人:@iShow国际英语 申请感言:热情管理贴吧,友善引领吧员001. 冠词 a, an, the一(用于辅音音素前),一(用于元音音素前),这/那 2. 连词 and, but, or, so, yet, however, although, because, since, unless, while, whereas, therefore和,但是,或者,所以,然而,尽管如此,虽然,因为,既然,除非,当...时候,而,因此 3. 代词 I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, them, my, your, his, her, its, our, their, mine, yours, ours, theirs我,你,他,她,它,我们,他们,我(宾格),他(宾格),她(宾格),我们(宾格),他们(宾格),我的,你0学术交流 Could you clarify your point, please? / 请能详细说明一下你的观点吗? 用于请求对方进一步解释其论点或意见。 I’d like to add another perspective. / 我想补充另一个视角。 在讨论中提出自己不同的看法或补充信息。 That’s an interesting point, but... / 这个观点很有趣,但是... 表示认可同时引出异议的礼貌表达。 Let me summarize what we’ve discussed. / 让我总结一下我们讨论的内容。 会议或讨论结束时的常用总结语。 I’ll look into that and get back to you. / 我会调查一下000我宣布这里正式成为火影忍者手游吧分吧,即将于明日正式驱逐原ishow英语吧的用户,请原ishow英语吧用户自行撤离,谢谢配合000200💡 Structured Learning, Measurable Progress Stepping into iShow, I was looking for a systematic approach to improve my English conversation skills. Their structured curriculum, starting from grammar basics to advanced dialogues, ensured measurable growth with each step. 🗣️ Interactive Lessons, Active Engagement At iShow, interactive teaching is key. Through group discussions, role-plays, and debates, I transitioned from a hesitant speaker to an active participant. These engaging sessions truly brought my spoken English to life. 🌐 Cultural Immersion, Deeper Understanding Beyond gramma000