0经核实吧主Ghost良 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 nachtmahr吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
5不仅辛苦 即使找到了下载链接 但也没速度
000На посту в чужой стране Бродят тени ночью в тишине, Всё ближе к нам подходит враг, И в нашем строе слышен смерти шаг. И будет сердце тосковать, Из ада огненного умолять бежать, Но так далёк и так суров Мой край заснеженных лесов. Матушка Россия, дай прижаться к груди твоей Матушка Россия, теплом своим от холодов согрей Матушка Рос1A:Isn't it annoying that you always get questions about people who call you some kind of nazi-band? Q:Yes, because people obviously don't do any research4>>>>Nachtmahr · Feindbild (Limited Edition)CD~2014-02-14>>>>001不是德国710再说一遍,他们与政治无关!不要总是扯纳粹╮(╯_╰)╭2'我只有一个兴趣:我不管你们活着还是死亡,我只想看到你们跳舞。' 就是这句话使Thomas Rainer在2007年组建了他的新乐队NACHTMA。 在过去的11年里,这位奥地利音乐家已经在'L’ame Immortelle'和'SIECHTUM'取得广泛的成功,现在,他回到了做音乐的初衷:融合工业与哥特风格的火热舞曲。 由于受到多年做混音的鼓舞,Nachtmahr是连接了具有煽动性的工业音乐与Techno的节奏力量的绳索。乐0Side Line :. I've often wondered considering Nachtmahr's physical appearance and militant image, has this ever caused issues for you in the press or on tour? So many bands like, for instance Feindflug, have run into similar problems... Nachtmahr:. Sadly, yes, which to me makes absolutely no sense. Ever since I started making music, I've made it clear that I have absolutely no political message whatsoever behind my music. If anyone has ever bothered to attend my live performances all of my backing videos feature anti-war quotes in huge giant letters that you would have to be blind8一楼给Thomas 蜀黍0Love music,Hate politics28一楼给亲爱的 Thomas Rainer蜀黍3RT19一楼给托马斯蜀黍194于是,伊姐你就这样扔给我了…压力大…0对Nachtmahr的简介真High啊...看完我都湿了6Why did you start with Nachtmahr? I have already been Djing since 7 years, but after opening a club in vienna with some friends I started Djing regularily again. That was maybe the most important factor in creating the urge to start NACHTMAHR. I was really disappointed with Electro/EBM/Industrial in the past few years, so I listened to a lot of rock and other musical styles. Through Djing I got back into the dark electronic styles, where my musical roots are and felt that I needed to do something to satisfy the need for creating brutal, uncompromosing club-oriented music. What i