7The Payoff Mix/Lesson Two/Lesson 3 [Tommy Boy EP, 1985] Securing copyright waivers on the bits and pieces from which voluble media nut Steve Stein and hands-on groove technician Doug DeFranco construct their postindustrial dance collages proved such a nightmare that this isn't officially for sale. Bootlegs are showing up, though, which given the information barons' arbitrary usufruct is just. Mixing witty, knowledgeable mastermixes (comprising, say, "Apache," "I'll Tumble 4 Ya," and "Starski Live at the Disco Fever") with spoken-word interjections from the likes of Humphrey Bogart and Fiorello
6880规则 10位pop diva 每轮出一个主题 比如“dancefloor anthem” 每个主题各出一首歌 吧友回帖打分 按平均值排名 参赛选手 Madonna Mariah Carey Whitney Houston Britney Spears Beyonce Christina Aguilera Rihanna Lady Gaga Katy Perry Nicki Minaj
16最近MSN的音乐blog关张了,意味着RC的expert witness不会再更新了 让我觉得不能把可依赖的乐评资源take for granted, 工作磨合了两个月之后我觉得也应该继续有规律的写一些评论了 这样, 每周2,6各发布一张专辑乐评,预期是一新一老, 每周4发布一些单曲乐评,以新东西为主 欢迎follow~~~
12545“鲍勃迪兰”这种也都给我省了 装什么.120是否戒了什么“四大天后”? 是否略略能听一些ARETHA,ETTA JAMES,GLADYS KNIGHT这种CLUT成分十分少又实在的歌手? 是否对音乐发展史有了一个大致的印象,至少80年代之前不是一片黑的? 是否不是一谈音乐的传承性就只能说出“HUNG UP采样了GIMME GIMME GIMME”这种臭在巷子里的垃圾旧闻?7530音乐小白过来献丑了~ 这主要是一个资源集合贴,我会把最近在学习的DIVA的相关资料一起贴出来 如RC乐评、DLL评分、AAC专辑下载 其次是学习贴,有各种提问+感想~跪求吧友解答 资源源自本吧,感谢DLL大神的付出 以及Billboard后花园,感谢富有共享精神的吧友~ 话说,我加了资源,一定不Flop 琳琳保佑!19一起的还有J Cole等 Alt-rap also-ransBy Xgau 34 minutes ago Kanye West: Yeezus (Def Jam)Sign spotted on church in the wild: Death Grips‑-Be Like Them ("New Slaves," "Hold My Liquor") *** J Cole: Friday Night Lights (free Roc Nation download)The good tracks keep on coming, but the irresistible ones total, well, one ("Blow Up," "Farewell") *** Oreo Jones: Betty (Rad Summer)Naptown indie-rapper runs Frankie Lymon and Jackson Pollock through his beat-pumped emotional wringer ("Option Control & the Spirit," "Needy") *** Young Fathers: Tape One (Anticon)Compositionally, one crucial t168Belle尽管可能不是Al Green知名度最高的歌——或许Let’s Stay Together才是(Tina Turner在Simply the Best的翻唱,奥巴马哼唱开头一小段,etc),但却是最contradictory的(之一)。 纵观歌词,事实上都在“美人,我想要你”和“上帝,我需要你”的矛盾交织中推进歌曲的。如: “Belle, it’s you I want but it’s Him that I need.” “The best thing we could do is have Him around.” “He’s my bright in the morning[可以理解为和徐志摩的“我想和你一起起床”异曲同工].” 然后在性与灵的6自己做不了什么 只希望受灾程度越小越好8