119556526【什全史美】约什INS动态追踪帖(持续更新)41587这里记录了我与约什的点点滴滴,以及我的篮球之路,长期更新。 欲览全文请戳 只看楼主19289无耻求个加精。长期都会更新。132686加油约什!约什好运!JSMOOOOOOOOOVE!!!7T.I.吧全体小伙伴祝约什史密斯吧全体小伙伴们新春快乐! 原名:Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. 外号:King Of The South, Rubberband Man ,T.I.P 职业: 嘻哈歌手、电影和音乐制作人、Hustle Gang创始人 性别: 男 生日: 1980-09-25 身高:5' 9" (1.75 m) 国籍/地区: 美国 出身地:美国亚特兰大 主要成绩:至2008年十月,T.I.已生涯九次挤进告示牌百大热门单曲的前十名,其中有 三次荣获冠军(与贾斯汀合作的“my love”、“whatever you like”、与蕾哈 娜合作的“live your life” T.I.吧传送门http://tie201027没神马。。。我蛋疼 发歌中,或许一天N首,或许N天一首,欢迎同盖,欢迎歪楼10from: http://www.jsmoove.net/?p=708 应该是他的推特 可是那儿的首页好像有问题,登不了6Focused from: http://www.jsmoove.net/?p=703 Posted date: May 9, 2011 Next stop, CHICAGO!!!! Let’s get it…..Ride with me!!!!!6Tues Morning from: http://www.jsmoove.net/?p=701#comment-6467 Posted date: May 3, 2011 Yo yo, just got back in from practice so8Thursday from: http://www.jsmoove.net/?p=695 Posted date: April 27, 2011 We bout to take off but I need everybody in the buildin4详细的赛后等比赛录像出来再看看有没有什么想**的 几个数据 1,魔兽12投9中,虽然得了33分,这只能说明火花受到了强力果断的犯规围剿 考虑到和火花内线5http://bbs.hoopch【度娘傲娇了】ina.com/1104/2158253.html113from: http://www.jsmoove.net/?p=689 Posted date: March 22, 2011 What’s going on yall? I know its been a minute but as you been11忽然变成小吧了,感谢各位,感谢国家,感谢裆,感谢裙中 各位Miss~本人LinkinBryant,简称LB,拼音谐音裸奔。 年龄为1开头的统一可以叫我裸奔叔,猥琐76from: http://www.jsmoove.net/?p=673#comment-6162 I really thought this was going to be our year to pull off a superbowl win. The falcons are6from: http://www.jsmoove.net/?p=668 What’s going on everybody. Im glad that you all made it into this 2011 safe and I hope that everyone ha7from: http://www.jsmoove.net/?p=658 What’s up? Just sitting up here in my room in New Jersey. It’s cold but not as cold as I thought it wo13转自新浪博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_62a507990100nk54.html What's up, Sina Fans I know I have been out of touch for a while. I will0北京时间11月8日,老鹰主场114-118惜败太阳,新赛季6连胜戛然而止。值得一提的是,老鹰扣将约什-史密斯在今天的比赛中送出了一次盖帽,这让他超越了穆836V5啊!!!JS哥变身队长大人!