18首先谢谢各位来到高中英语吧,那么为保证合理、有序的使用百度贴吧,规范吧友、管理人员的行为,明确吧友、管理人员的权利和义务,故以前吧主自然因子所指定吧规为蓝本,加以修订,定为本吧吧规,望各位仔细阅读并自觉遵守。 百度贴吧·高中英语吧 2016 07 21
386目前在培训机构带英语,看到吧里有同学都在说英语成绩上不去,现在讲我自己的学习方法和建议写下来,同学们可以自由提问。任何方面都可以。 希望能帮到大家。下午该去上班了,吃完饭继续更。
17所有留邮箱分享资源的帖子,都会被删除,并且不予恢复。 如果有优秀的资源,请上传到百度网盘或者其他来跟大家分享。 对于优秀的资源,我们会给予加精鼓励。 即日起全面禁止以推荐软件的方法宣传商业产品的软文。 我们同时也鼓励大家发一些关于个人学习经验的帖子。 如有合作意向请私信!
1347楼主,打字速度太慢而已大家见谅,所以那么多字真的很不容易,望加精! 我会全面讲解考试的各题型(完型除外,因为这个算是综合,个人有个人的方法) 讲解顺序如下: 单词 作文 阅读(各种技巧) 听力 这么点就打了6分钟 哭啊
41首先欢迎大家常驻高英吧。高英吧是一个能让你提高英语成绩的地方,也是一个能让你答疑解惑的地方。但是吧内还是存在着很多不足,我们吧务组也想过各种办法将高英吧发展得更好。但我们只是站在我们吧务的角度考虑问题,有些方面是想不全面的。所以在这里希望吧友们能为贴吧的发展建言献策,建设一个更好的高英吧! 建议可以提以下几点:(说出自己能回答的就行,不用全部答完) 1.对吧主或小吧的建议 2.指出高英吧现在存在的一些不足
502013年8月19号 题量有点大,慢慢做
23Religious and private school receive little or no support from public taxes in the Unite States, and, as a result,are usually somewhat expensive to___1__ The largest group of religious school in America__2__by the Roman Catholic Church.While religious schools tend to be__3__expensive than private schools,there are usually some fees. When there is free education available to all children in the US,why do people___4___money on private schools?Americans offer__5__great variety of reasons for doing so,including the desire of some parents to___6____their children to schools__7__classes tend to be s
91契合最近高考的主题、这次选了09年号称江苏十年比较难的一张高考卷的单选和完型、lz单选错1个完型错1个、希望有人能全对啊 做过09江苏卷的同学再做一遍也能加深印象
13鉴于吧友对没有一练的答案贴的查询麻烦,今后每周一练的答案均在此帖中给出。在此在提醒下每周一练的发帖格式【每周一】--题型(2013.06.19) 答案跟帖格式:2013.xx.xx,每周一练答案 注:每周一练的发帖格式,一定要标准,否则答案给出后,吧友很难查询。谨记发帖格式!
271.During the very course of the experiment, they _a series of new problem. A. came out. B. came about C. came across. D. came to
16不 定 式 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词的形式 非谓语动词指的是在句中起名词,形容词或副词作用的动词形式,而不是作谓语的动词形式。 动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式。 Climbing mountain is a good exercise. (Climbing..., 动名词起名词作用)
3910道关于虚拟语气的单选 大家好好做吧
13Everyone in the neighborhood knew who Ugly was, the tomcat. He had only one eye and 36 the other should have been was a hole. He was also missing his ear on the same 37 , his left foot appeared to have been badly broken 38 , and his tail has long been lost. Every time someone saw Ugly there was the same 39 . “That’s one UGLY cat!!” All the children were 40 not to touch him, but whenever he 41 children, he would come running, meowing and bump his head against their hand 42 for their love. If you ever picked him up he would immediately begin sucking on your shirt, earring,, 43 he could fin
281.Baidu Tieba competition will be held soon,Li Yanhong_____ A.permitting B.to permit C.permitted D.having permitted 2.____ in a very long queue,we waited to have a look at Michael Jackson A.Standing B.To stand C.having been standing D.stood 3.I remembered____the post to English bar before I got to sleep,but forgot to enterthe buttom of "Send" A.sending B.to send C.having sent D.sent 4.I have the right to delete your post,if necessary,I could show you the letters____ my rights. A.offered B.offering C.offer D.have offered 5.We should study hard,____our life into a ____one. A.make satisfying B.ma
12一篇阅读一篇完形吧。。。。、 1L百度
51这次是两篇阅读两篇,难度还好,大家做做吧 1L百度 2L上题
421.You can only be sure of_you have at present;you cannot be sure of something_you might get in the future. A.that;what B.what;/ C.which;that