0入坑过迟的新人 好饿 求饭
0!!看卡罗尔二周目最新发现的宝藏文!! 主要讲的是卡妈重生回到第一集的故事 文笔也好!!超喜欢
10入坑太迟了😭😭😭以前的文还可以看吗?基本上都没有保存,现在想看也找不到了41新人一枚 最近入坑,爱上了这对西皮~哈哈哈~莫名想写篇同人文,文笔真的不好,请勿见怪。 ==================================================== 一楼B娘~防吞。 ==================================================== 希望CARYL粉能分享更多精彩的视频或者小说,一起分享。嘿嘿~0以前的文还可以看吗?基本上都没有保存,现在想看也找不到了16如果在这里贴译文还有人看嘛?(挠头1117630经核实吧主vickymui 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 caryl吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组410好多文都看不见了,悲伤933124287為各大網路媒體對於卡羅爾和達里爾團聚的評論 ..標粗黑的是媒體名稱 CAROL & DARYL REUNION BY THE CRITICS… “Daryl and Carol’s reunion is easily the most emotional scene of the entire season…” ── Den Of Geek! “There was a great reunion for Daryl and Carol. Seriously, those two characters are engaging to watch, so to see them getting together again was a treat. […] But really, the more scenes with Carol and Daryl the better.” ── TV Fanatic “The Carol/Daryl scenes here were very good. It was as if a lot of the other nonsense could stop, or sl1031F 獻給尼根~祈求愛賣閃的CP除了Caryl外都該有報應~還有破壞人家CP的不得好死!!!98Caryl中國粉請努力寫出多一些的好分析文吧...到目前為止我覺得很稀少的可憐 在行吧即使7-10D的表現對C的明顯感情還是被其他CP粉壓著打...有些還是抹黑攻擊卡羅爾 所以請努力些吧... 不過老實說這裡一點也沒啥好在乎的..... 所以隨便啦~對於那些攻擊抹黑詛咒卡羅爾的其他CP粉(只能在行吧發牢騷又毫無貢獻度) ~呵呵~你誰啊你~ 說句難聽的誰理你阿~中國粉絲又沒收視率也沒出錢購買周邊........ 基於無好文狀態下.....我除了上來分享CD劇集重要訊息外 (抱怨512335防止度娘又吞我贴,一楼空出。卡弩本命,先虐后甜,大家放心跳。32319143给大家分享一下诺曼与梅丽莎的合影,资源来自外网。 请大家尊重演员个人生活,不要Y剧外真人,照片仅供欣赏。(非P图,持续更新) 一楼给度娘。。。0103这一季果然没有再让我们CD粉儿失望!楼主鸡冻的语无伦次,手舞足蹈。。。。 经历了上一季的CD粉儿,你们还在吗?期待你们的回归!!!2848首先附上Carol这封信的英文原文 I wish it didn’t have to end. Not this way. It was never my intention to hurt you. But it’s how it has to be. We have so much here. People, food, medicine, walls, everything we need to live. But what we have other people want too and that will never change. If we survive this threat and it’s not over another one will be back to take its place. To take what we have. I love you all here. I do. And I’d have to kill for you. And I can’t. I won’t. Rick sent me away and I was never going to come back, but everything happened and I wound up stayin1354一楼百度 依旧没有镇楼图…… H好长……还没翻译完……新一集还没有看……每天都好忙……341“When Morgan reveals what happened, she immediately remembers [Daryl] at the table saying what he said and realizes why he said what he said … there’s complete and total understanding, and if not a little guilt on her part for putting him in that merciful position to do what he did and tell her that everyone was okay.” - Melissa McBride(梅麗莎) It was unselfish. It doesn’t follow what he really wants. At the beginning of the episode he said, if she knew what happened to Glenn and Abraham, she’d be leading the way to the Sanctuary. He doesn’t tell her because he knows that she01Melissa McBride, who plays Carol on AMC’s The Walking Dead, talks about joining the Kingdom and when it’s time to “Get off your ass and fight.” ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── Q: What’s it been like being so separated from most of the cast this season? 梅麗莎回答A: On one hand, it’s been really interesting working with new faces and characters, opening up the world of The Walking Dead even more and exploring new territories and points of view. That fres