1低级/中级狼本里面 Warrior's Elixir简直用一个掉一堆 巧克力糖也是各种掉... 最高级本两个bug级boss打不过...(主要是需要的武器太贵) 其它也都操作繁琐...不想打 而且狼本配合Tourney一起来 最佳奖励都是6000点级别的 (1次狼本2点奖励 而且一次Tourney最高只能拿5000点 需要参加两次才能拿到...其中一个) 肝到爆炸 不过低级本里就有不少好东西 比如Soothe Amulet和Intimidating Roar Amulet 两个简直必拿
19Registration has been fixed, as well as the IP queue! However we are still looking for a developer. The good news is, there have been a number of good prospects that have e-mailed us, and one in particular looks like a great fit for Furvilla. Let's definitely hope it pans out well! In the meantime, what kind of rewards would you like to see for the referral page? Once we get a new developer on board, we can get back on track with the changes we have planned to make. The referral page's rewards is one of those places where we want to add a little extra polish and attention. ↑新公告
3We come to you today with the unfortunate news that our developer has been missing since the server move in June. We know that some of you have been waiting for a fix to the daily streak, and many prospective players have e-mailed us expressing concern over being unable to join the game, but we have not been able to fix these problems without the aid of a developer. It appears at this time we must accept the inevitability of finding another programmer. Until we are able to find a new programmer, the Oceandome event is on indefinite hiatus. Our focus right now is going to be finding a developer
1具体开服时间目前未知 需要等官推通知
7楼主不定期回来回复大家问题,毕竟已经玩了快一个月,基本要素都已经玩了个遍,大家有问题不要羞涩直接来问就好了 【贴吧人比较少但还是希望那些游散的玩家能够慢慢聚集到贴吧吧】
2谁知道 beta code 是什么?
2Furvilla is excitedly piecing together the last few pieces of the game. Nearly a hundred crafting recipes have been created. 598 game items were entered into the database. Twenty-eight species of villager are available, coming in a combined one hundred and fifty-eight colors. The game is being loaded onto its beta testing server as we speak, software is being updated, and we're only waiting for a couple more art assets (shopkeepers, one more fan species, and some item artwork) before the game is ready for testing. It's coming soon and we're so excited to show you!
1furvilla com