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    NPR 英文全称:National Public Radio
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    O. Henry (1862-1910) - pseudonym of William Sydney Porter
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    Plastic Issues Plastic bag once was regarded as “the best invention”. Somehow, after five decades when it was created, it keep another record in history, which is “the worth invention in history”. What’s happening in these periods? Plastic bag, of course, remain advantages itself. So light and slim it is that it’s easier to store and being taken to anywhere. It is waterproof so that no matter the object is dry or wet, it could be carried. And the life of plastic bags is often strangely long. What’s more, plastic bag has the lowest price. The price for one non-coloured fab
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    1.China Arrests Brothers in Milk Powder Probe
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    1. 路透社 China's Liu fails to start hurdles
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    .AFP 标题: Beijing's Games kick off with spectacular opening ceremony 网址:
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    奥运会开幕式主题歌将由刘欢和莎拉-布莱曼演唱 今天上午,北京奥运会主新闻中心举行“北京奥运会开幕式已经准备好了”新闻发布会。北京奥组委开闭幕式工作部部长张和平、北京奥运会开闭幕式运营中心主任王宁、北京奥运会开闭幕式运营中心副主任朱虹出席新闻发布会并回答记者提问。在发布会上,张和平正式公布了奥运会主题歌的演唱者是中国著名歌手刘欢和英国著名歌手莎拉•布莱曼Sarah Brightman。
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    SALLdonna 7-21
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    1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, market- oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.   
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    Speak2Me-跟我说 是国内一家刚刚上线不久的的英语教学与口语交流的社会性网络平台。他们将英语口语教育方法和现代语音识别技术相结合,推出了一套全新的英语口语学习系 统;在这个系统中,学习者可以在虚拟的英语环境中,与智能机器人Lucy练习口语,与目前中国英语教育市场中的其它产品不同,Speak2me突破了传统 口语练习方法的局限和弊端,为学习者提供了一个与模拟外教 “对话”的机会 另外Speak2Me还采用了独特的课程设计方法,使每一个学
    sallalex 5-28
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    1.teacher's time (30') & performance(40') 3.some phrases ahout clotes(15') 4.gess the meaning of flower's amount(remainder)
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    More to come
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    有爱就有希望,有希望就不要放弃。 让我们共同为灾区的人们的祝福、祈祷。
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    You! 生命掌握在你的手里--超越卓越的你 Consider… YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion(兆)…   You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!!!   You're amazing! You're awesome(卓越)! And by the way, you're it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whim
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    “太空婚礼”有望明年成真 一对新人已提交申请,英国维珍银河老板计划在自己公司研制的太空飞船上当“婚礼司仪” 乘坐太空飞船在浩瀚宇宙中翱翔,船舱外点点繁星散发钻石光芒,此情此景令众多冥思苦想婚礼创意的新人心驰神往。 英国维珍银河公司创立人、亿万富翁理查德•布兰森决定实现人类举行太空婚礼的梦想,他计划于2009年在维珍银河太空飞船的首次亚轨道飞行中为一对新人举办婚礼。 200人预订太空旅行 据布兰森介绍,迄今已有
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    Get to know what is happening around the world!
    SALLdonna 4-24
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    SALLdonna 4-24
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    1.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2.Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3.The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4.We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机) 5.Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机) 6.Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌) 7.The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车) 8.P
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    in step 齐步,合拍    in step with 与...一致/协调   in tears 流着泪,在哭着    in the course of 在...期间/过程中   in the distance 在远处    in the end 最后,终于   in the event of 如果...发生,万一    in the face of 即使;在...面前   in the first place 首先    in the future 在未来   in the least 丝毫,一点    in (the)light of 鉴于,由于   in the way 挡道    in the world 究竟,到
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    Assignment 1 Reading Report What to be practiced: reading and writing Reading: What to read: 1. people 2. event/incident 3. issues How much to read: more than 14000 words in total. Writing: (Reading Report) Length: a minimum of 2 pages (A4, 5 word-size) Deadline: Week 8 (April. 14) Form: Word / Powerpoint file & a printed copy Where to submit e-files: Requirements: 1. no obvious language mistakes. 2. proper editing. What you are going to do in your report: 1.Justifying your decision of what to read. ( in English) 2.Lis
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    A businessman walked into a bank in New York City and asked for a loan. He said he was going to Europe om business for two weeks and needs to borrow $500.The bank would need some kind of security(n.安全)for such a loan. So the businessman handed over the key to a luxury(奢侈品) car parked on the street,and the bank agreed to accept the car as collateral(n.担保品) for the loan. An employee drove the car into the bank's underground garage and parked it there. Two weeks later,the businessman returned,repaid the $500 and the interest(利息),which came to $0.41.The bank offcer sai
    pickup0125 4-10
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    Here,I will introduce some spoken english,and the I will give you a dialogue to remember it. However,I will give you the english and you have to guess its Chinese meaning,after guessing,we read the dialogue once together. OK,let’s begin! Some is to pay 不妙 The manager had a hunch that something was to pay. 经理感到事情有些不妙。 汉语的“有些不妙”或“有点不对头”的概念常可用something is to pay的句式来表示。这一短语常和feel或have a hunch that连用。 Bob:Didn’t you see the writing on the wall? Sue:I even didn’t have the sli
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    大学英语四级考试常用短语汇总(二) for the moment 暂时,目前   for the present 暂时,目前    for the sake of 为了,为了...的利益   for the time being 暂时,眼下    from time to time 有时,不时   hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联    head on 迎面地,正面的   heart and soul 全心全意地    how about ...怎么样   in a hurry 匆忙,急于    in case of 假如,防备   in a moment 立刻,一会儿    in a
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    Today let's talk someting about state statutory holidays of this year.As we know,state statutory holidays of this year have been a great change.New Year's Day is on leave for one day, Spring Festival starts from the lunar New Year's Eve to be on leave for three days, Qingming Festival is on leave for one day, 51 Labor Day is on leave for one day, Dragon Boat Festival is on leave for one day, Mid-Autumn Festival is on leave for one day, the National Day is on leave for three days. Question:1.What's your opinion of the new national legal holiday plan
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    1 As we known ,Olympic games is a competition about sports, such as football, basketball, table-tennis and so on. Now every group talk something about your favourite sports. 2 Athletes are the basic element in the competition. I believe that there is always a PE hero standing in his/her heart. Who is your favourite sport star? Say something about him/her. 3 Discussing Do you agree that a sports star turn into a ad star or a film star? Agree? Disagree? Why?
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    搜索类 1. 爱问 2. 谷哥 3. 雅虎
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    This is an interview with CPPCC member and TV hostess Yang Lan, who has contributed a great deal to Beijing's bid to host the Games.
    SALLdonna 3-20
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    Part 1:Discussion For the yanzhao affair,who do you think should apologize to the society?Edison Chen,media or other people?Please choose
    sanawen 3-17
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    论题参考资料 有关评论: Yanzhao Affair also to those involved in the incident as the star of the young people Ouxiang brought harm. Involv

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