most realistic date for Eric Gordon's (wrist) return is Monday against the Kings, according to beat writer Lisa Dillman.
说是可能是打国王复出。 Gordon, who had hoped to be back by Monday at the latest if not before then, is now sounding like Monday is not exactly a sure thing. So you can forget about tonight. Meanwhile, the new Clippers, Mo Williams and Jamario Moon, are in town and appear to be ready to go, but have to wait until Baron Davis passes a physical in Cleveland before they can play for their new team. As I write this, Baron has been through the physical, which included an MRI on his knee, but it's unclear to me whether we have to wait for the Cavs to have the results of the MRI or not.
小莫上不了。貌似说戴维斯那边还没过体检。。 戈登到底打国王能不能上海未可知~希望能上。