法语吧 关注:266,898贴子:894,756
  • 8回复贴,共1
“Arrivee reelle et periode de cotation non confirmee”
“Arrivee prevue dans le mois”
“Date d'arrivee prevue depassee"
“Periode de cotation dans la periode et non cofirmee”
“Periode de cotation inferieure a la date d'arrivee prevue”

1楼2011-04-07 14:13回复
    “Arrivee reelle et periode de cotation non confirmee”真实交易日和确认的交易期;
    “Arrivee prevue dans le mois”月内预计的交易日
    “Date d'arrivee prevue depassee"逾期的预计交易日期
    “Periode de cotation dans la periode et non cofirmee”未经确认的周期内的交易期
    “Periode de cotation inferieure a la date d'arrivee prevue”预计交易日之前的交易期

    IP属地:瑞士2楼2011-04-07 18:33

      3楼2011-04-08 08:46
        <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> There are 5 columns on this file, each column referring to a specific case. Each "chargement a
        risque" enters in one of the following categories:
        - column 1 - "Arrivee reelle et periode de cotation non confirmee”: The goods have been received but
        the quotation period has not been confirmed. In that case, the purchase department will inform the
        purchase reponsible that no information regarding the preliminary quotation of the goods has been
        stored in MQM.
        - column 2 - “Arrivee prevue dans le mois”: This column identifies all potential risk delivers for which all the elements are not known at the date. A listing of those deliveries is printed out. No specific
        corrective action is taken at this point but those deliveries are identified and followed up very carefully by the purchase department.

        4楼2011-04-08 08:57
          - column 3- "Date d'arrivee prevue depassee": In the system, for each delivery, a theoretical estimated arrival date has been entered. If this date has been
          exceeded, the purchase administrator is informed. He will then contact the supplier to obtain explanation for the late delivery. If the delay is confirmed, this can
          lead to a change in the quotation period and in the hedging operation.
          - column 4- "Periode de cotation dans la periode et non confirmee":This column
          refers to delivers foreseen in the related period for which the quotation period is open but has not been confirmed. (Close to column 1)
          - column 5 - "Periode de cotation inferieure a la date d'arrivee prevue": In this
          column we will find back the deliveries for which the quotation period is set up,
          for instance, in September and the delivery foreseen in October.

          5楼2011-04-08 09:12

            6楼2011-04-08 09:14
              - 列1- “已收到但未确定报价期的货物”:
              - 列2- “本月内预计到达”
              - 列3-   “超过预计到达日期”
              - 列4-   “报价期在那个期间但是还未确认”
              - 列5- “报价期在预计到达日期之前"

              7楼2011-04-08 09:21
                原来是期货!冒号后面的英语就是对法语词条的解释。Arrivée:到货日;période de cotation:报价期。我与此道不失高手是外行,见谅!

                IP属地:瑞士8楼2011-04-08 18:43

                  9楼2011-04-13 14:23