Today I am grateful for Yoga. Not only does it make me
feel good, it challenges me to work hard, asking that I maintain a calm smile
on my handsome mug while enduring gravity’s pull and/or the taunting of the
mind’s resistance. And so is life; a journey that requests we wear a smile
while giving generously our time and talents. 今天我要对瑜伽献上感激之情。它不光让我感觉很棒,还激励我努力工作,让我在地心引力的拉扯以及内心的嘲弄抵抗之下,还能在脸上挂着平静的微笑。这就是生活;一场旅行,当我们不断地慷慨的付出时间和天赋时,面带笑容。 Yoga may look all soft and bendy but it is actually
ass-kickingly solid, especially in Virginia in June where all Yoga is Hot Yoga
if you’re practicing outside. 瑜伽看起来可能蜿蜒柔软,但是其实它是非常给力地硬朗的,尤其在六月份的Virginia,如果你在户外练习瑜伽的话,在哪里都是高温瑜珈。(高温瑜珈:一般在室内进行的瑜伽练习,室温调到很高,一边练习瑜伽一边出汗。)
Since returning to my practice I’ve re-discovered that
I am more fulfilled and complete as I glide from task to task - as opposed to
being in a hurry and doing a half-ass job and/or giving a half-hearted
performance. I’ve written many songs that didn’t get the best attention due to
my thinking there was somewhere else to be (and/or perhaps the project had
become boring) But the fact is, there never was a ‘somewhere else’ to get –
only a place where I wouldn’t have to work as hard. And as for boring, that too
is just an excuse. One can easily change ones mind and try a different approach
if one chooses. Yoga invites me to stick with it for a few more breaths before
bailing out completely. 自从重新开始练习瑜伽,我再次发觉当我从一个任务转向下一个时,我感到更加充实和完整了。我不再总是急急忙忙,事情办到八成熟就转向下一个,或是进行心不在焉的演出。我写了很多没有得到自己百分之百注意力的歌曲,因为我写歌时在想着我是不是应该去什么其他地方(或者这个项目已经变得无聊了)。但事实上,压根从来就不存在要去的“另外的地方”——只不过是一个我不需要如此努力工作的地方而已。而无聊不过也是另外一个借口而已。每个人都可以轻易的改变思路,尝试新的途径,只要她/他选择如是做。瑜伽教会我在完全放弃之前再多坚持一阵子。
Don’t ask me why I wouldn’t want to work hard. I guess
I'm a natural born snooze-button-pusher who lives to dream. Ease is what lured
me to the music industry originally, as doing something you love means to never
work a day in your life. 别问我我问什么不想努力工作。我猜我是天生的乐天派,生来就在做白日梦。轻松正是吸引我走入音乐这一行的原因,因为我认为只要是做你爱做的事情,这辈子就一天都不需要工作。 Yet, for reasons I'm currently on a quest to uncover,
the moment something feels uncomfortable, I've had a habit of calling it quits.
I’ve lost touch with many friends and lovers because of this. Well, FYI... 尽管如此,出于某些我正在努力发掘的缘由,还是有些令我不快的时候,而这时我会习惯性的放弃。为此我失去了很多朋友和恋人。好吧,告诉你: ...Discomfort doesn’t mean danger! 不爽并不代表危险!
Thanks to Yoga, I’ve learned I CAN tolerate discomfort
and that by doing so I actually get stronger. In my community it’s common to
hear someone say “lean into the discomfort.” I always knew that it meant go
deeper without resistance, but it wasn’t until I applied it to my Yoga practice
that it began to make sense off-the-mat. I find myself saying "lunge into
the discomfort" whenever I'm confronted by lengthy warrior vinyasas. 多谢瑜伽,我学会了忍受不爽而这样一来我实际上变得更加强壮。我的圈子里经常会听到有人说“享受不快”。我一直明白这意味着无抵抗的陷入其中,但是直到我在瑜伽练习中应用这个信念我才真正理解它的含义。我自己经常把“跃进不快”挂在嘴边,每次当我要面对漫长的vinyasas时。(vinyasas विन्यास
Another groovy thing about Yoga (and all soul work in
general) that I’ll never be able to explain, is the synchronicity that suddenly
appears in and around your life. My guess is that by working with love, trust
and patience on the mind, body and soul, you become aligned in a way that
projects your inner peace outwardly through your personal energy field or aura,
inviting that which you truly want to arrive at the doorstep of your eyes and
over the threshold of your hands where you’ll get to welcome it back into your
heart. I get this is how prayer and/or meditation work. It's "the
secret" after all; the law of attraction. You don’t have to ask, beg or
borrow, you just simply get to be LOVE and voila! You GET love. So - Let your
love light shine and allow all that you want to fly like beautiful moths to
your flame.
Special thanks to the good people at Manduka for the mat, towel, and tote bag. I am most grateful
for the serendipitous timing of their arrival and have already put them to
good, hot, sweaty use. 特别感谢在Manduka的好人们,谢谢你们的地毯,毛巾以及手提袋。我最感谢它们令我喜出望外的准时到来,而我已经把它们用于大汗淋漓,炎热痛快的瑜伽练习啦。
-------------------------------THE END------------------------------------- 简单说说自己的读后感:自己觉得那段描述办事半吊子,匆匆忙忙但是心不在焉的状态,的确很像自己的行为。那种毛茸茸的浮躁的心理,似乎把每天都涂抹的模糊一团了:似乎做了很多事情,但是似乎有什么都没做。转瞬之间时间飞逝,自己反而喘不过气。之前短暂的接触了一段时间的冥想练习,感觉确实是非凡的体验,心灵的安宁与统一的确是这个浮躁的时代很难带给自己的。有机会也想练练瑜伽啊,但是身体好硬的说... In Jason we believe.