三楼看的真仔细啊,看了下的确是一样的。十九分钟左右,mary说了一句话,做了那个手势:no name,no pack drill(视频上翻译:最好别指名道姓)
The full expression no names, no pack drill seems to have been of First World War origin, but has survived the punishment itself. It means that if nobody is named as being responsible, then nobody can be punished, the point being that in some situation or other it’s wisest not to name the person being discussed(没有名字,不能惩罚的整体表达来源于一战时期,但是意思已经超出本身惩罚的含义。本意是如果不知道谁对此负责任,那么任何人都不能惩罚,延伸意是在一些或者特定情况下指名道姓的谈论他人是不明智的。)
其中pack drill是