圣洁的爱吧 关注:537贴子:10,046
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How deep the Father's love for us -kelly minter


How deep the Father's love for us
How deep the Father's love for us 天父的爱是何等地深
How vast beyond all measure 超越所有的限制
That He should give his only Son 他竟然赐下他的独生儿子
To make a wretch his treasure 把他的宝贝变成可怜虫
How great the pain of searing loss 失去的灼热,那伤痛是何等的大
The Father turns his face away 天父转头不看
As wounds which mar the chosen One 被拣选的那一位被毁伤
Bring many sons to glory 为的是叫人能够进入荣耀中
Behold the Man upon a cross 看啊!那挂在十字架上的那人
My sin upon His shoulders 我的罪在他的肩头上
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice 羞愧地,我听到我嘲笑的声音
Call out among the scoffers 在一众嘲弄者之中大声喊叫
It was my sin that held Him there 是我的罪把他留在十字架上
Until it was accomplished 直至一切都完成了
His dying breath has brought me life 他死亡的呼吸为我带来生命
I know that it is finished 我知道这事完成了
I will not boast in anything 我不夸耀任何事
No gifts, no powers, no wisdom 不夸才能,不夸权利,不夸智慧
But now I will boast in Jesus Christ 我只夸耶稣基督
His death and resurrection 他的死亡和复活
Why should I gain from His reward? 我为什么可以取得他的奖赏
I cannot give an answer 我没有答案
But this I know with all my heart 可是我心深知道
His wounds have paid my ransom 他的伤痛救赎了我

1楼2011-12-26 23:13回复