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来自掌上百度1楼2012-03-03 10:44回复

    22楼2012-03-03 12:27
      “日吉貌似有人在喊你哎。” 站在球场对面的对手停下脚步,有些不确定的向日吉喊了喊。
      “原来我我立海大王牌二年级选手的称号都已经传到东京了啊~!” 口气里满是得意。
      “......” 一阵沉默后日吉若悠悠的吐出了两个字 ,“笨蛋!” 转身走向了对面的场地。
      “好累啊......!” 切原有些无力的嚎着,夕阳泛着红光缓缓洒洒落在球场上,微微染上一抹绚烂。两个身影并排躺着,一灰一黄。
      迹部别有深意的看了看日吉,“嗯哼~日吉,想做什么就去做吧!” 转身离去。
      ========THE END=======
      刚开始码这文时离阿莲生日还有几近一个月的时间,拖拖沓沓便一直只写了故事大概。上周末才恍然发觉,时间过的好快,原来就生日了么,啊啊啊自己还没码完呢><~ 匆匆忙忙的码文添加句子,却发觉自己文笔差了很多,不知道要写什么,茫然无措,但最终还是给了个欢脱的结局。

      来自掌上百度27楼2012-05-27 00:24
        4 of 4 points  
        Describe and compare horizontally and vertically organized companies. Your answer should be at least two well-developed paragraphs in length and should be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
        Selected Answer:
        There are two types of management structure. The first one is vertical organization. It means companies make decisions by chain-of-command. Its direction is the only one. And the second one is horizontal organization. It means companies make decisions by workers themselves. They can do their own things.
        The vertical organization is easier to control but the creativity is limited. The horizontal organization is very creative and active, but it is not easy to control. That is the difference.
        Correct Answer:
        Answer will vary. A horizontally organized company is one in which top management shares decision making with self-managing teams of workers who set their own goals and make their own decisions. A vertically organized company is a hierarchical, up-and-down organizational structure in which the tasks and responsibilities of each level are clearly defined.
        In comparing the two, horizontally organized companies focus on teams, whereas vertically organized companies emphasize hierarchy. In a horizontal organization, the tea***ook to the customer for direction; in a vertical organization, the employees look to management for direction.
        See pages 237-239 of the textbook.
        Feedback: Good job! I can see you understand this concept.
          Question 49 0 of 4 points  
        Explain the types of charts and graphs used in marketing. Your answer should be at least one well-developed paragraph in length and should be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
        Selected Answer:
        I don’t know
        Correct Answer:
        A bar graph is a drawing made up of parallel bars whose lengths are proportional to the qualities being measured. It is commonly used to compare groups and to get a quick representation of differences by looking at the range of bars from highest to lowest. A line graph uses a line that joins points representing changes in a variable quantity, usually over a specific period of time. This graph is useful to show the projected or actual changes over time. A circle graph is a geometric representation of the relative size of the parts of a whole. Circle graphs are sometimes called pie charts or graphs. A frequency table lists numbers, fractions, or percentages observed for different intervals.
        See pages 166-169 of the textbook.
        Feedback: [None Given]
          Question 50 2 of 7 points  
        Describe a monopoly. Is a monopoly legal in the U.S.; why or why not? Give examples of companies that have been declared monopolies. Explain the outcome of such cases. Your answer should be at least three well-developed paragraphs in length and should be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
        Selected Answer:
        I think the monopoly is not legal in the U.S. because it will cause a lot of problems.
        For example, BAIDU. . We need to search everything on it. What we can find on the Internet almost come from BAIDU.
        I think that is bad for the development of the company.
        Correct Answer: Answers may vary. When there is no competition and one firm controls the market for a given product, a monopoly exists. A monopoly is exclusive control over a product or means of producing it. Monopolies are not permitted in a free enterprise system because they prevent competition. They can also control the quality of a product and who gets it. Without competition, there is nothing to stop a company from acting without regard to customer wants and needs.
        One of the most publicized monopoly cases in recent history involved Microsoft, the computer software company. A federal judge declared Microsoft's Windows operating system was a monopoly. Its technology dominance was said to have stifled innovation and hurt consumers.
        The U.S. government has allowed a few monopolies to exist, mainly in industries where it would be wasteful to have more than one firm. However, these regulated monopolies are on the decline.
        Currently, utility companies are being deregulated. This will allow customers to choose their own electric and natural gas suppliers. In order for this deregulation to work, the government will still control natural gas and electric companies by imposing price restrictions, which will prevent the formerly regulated monopolies from charging excessive prices.
        See monopoly on page 105 of the textbook.
        Feedback: You give some valid information but you do not give enough information. You need to include details about the company that you say is a monopoly.

        28楼2012-10-21 18:13

          4. Superior point is a method used to permit the salesperson to acknowledge objections as valid, yet still offset them with other features and benefits. The salesperson admits the product has a type of disadvantage for the customer and chooses another benefit to offset it. For example, a customer may state that there are too many small parts in a product as compared with that of the competition. The salesperson could respond by explaining that the large number of removable parts makes it much cheaper to make a repair because parts may be purchased individually and it is not necessary to buy the entire assembly.
          5. Denial occurs when the customer's objection is based on misinformation. The salesperson must back up the objection with proof and facts. For example, a customer may say that a pair of shoes will stretch over time to fit his or her feet. The salesperson would tell the customer that it is better to order the correct size because the material that the shoe is made of will not stretch over time.
          6. Demonstration is used to show the customer that a product really works and will benefit him or her. For example, a customer may not believe that a vacuum cleaner will pick up a large amount of dirt. The salesperson can toss dirt over a display area and let the customer see how well the vacuum will pick up the dirt.
          7. Third-party is a method used that involves a previous customer or another neutral person who can give a testimonial about the product. For example, a customer may say that a friend had problems with a certain type of drill bit not staying sharp. The salesperson could respond with a testimonial from a very large, local manufacturer that uses only that particular brand because of its superior durability and long life. Read about the specialized methods of handling objections on pages 305-307 of the textbook.
          Feedback: Good job! I can see you understand this concept.

          IP属地:北京35楼2012-10-22 20:59