Shared joy is a double joy, shared sorrow is half a sorrow Thanks for creating so much joy by your wonderful performance. May you're long blessed with happiness! 2012年3月7日的今天
TO ALL OF US Love is not about how much you say,“I love you”,but how much you can prove that it’s true. TO GJF Appreciate your quick wittedness on the stage. Hope you forever maintain your love towards drama and never lose yourself in the circle of entertainment. 2012年3月8日的今天
A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real effort,because he feels that it would be useless. So,你将来会回归舞台后会搞一人话剧吗?期待你呈现不一样的自我! 2012年3月12日的今天
You are out of sight,but you have never been out of mind. 过段时间要去外地面试了,也许可能要停下来了,又或者有话但没有配图。虽然每天小小的dairy 眼不见(out of sight),但是想说的话还没有尽(out of mind)! 2012年3月13日的今天