油画吧 关注:260,074贴子:1,403,244



1.惠斯勒 Whistler 他的很多作品都是用音乐命名的,画也很有意境,但是不明白为什么他会想到用音乐去命名,是有什么启发还是说他就是喜欢音乐
2.乔治斯巴洛克 Greoges Braque 他的立体派静物画里常常出现单簧管、小提琴之类的乐器。这又是为什么?是因为他喜欢乐器?而且其他立体派画家,想毕加索,也常常画一些乐器。是因为乐器有种特别的美感还是有别的原因?

1楼2012-05-08 19:26回复

    2楼2012-05-08 19:27

      3楼2012-05-08 20:39

        来自手机贴吧4楼2012-05-08 22:09

          5楼2012-05-08 22:58

            6楼2012-05-09 08:16

              8楼2012-05-09 12:28

                10楼2012-05-09 12:58
                  Braque made Homage to J. S. Bach toward the end of a period of several months in which he and Pablo Picasso worked very closely together, producing paintings in a style that has become known as Analytic Cubism. In Analytic Cubism space is very compressed and shallow, colors are reduced to a palette of tans and grays, and identifiable subject matter—here, the parts of a violin—appears only in flickering moments. With this painting Braque introduced imitation wood grain to Cubism. He had learned this technique while working as a housepainter, and the Cubist practice of stenciling letters—here, BACH, J, and S—was also inspired by Braque'scommercial training. Picasso and Braque employed multiple modes of representation simultaneously: in this work, Braque combined virtuoso illusionistic wood grain with linguistic references and near abstraction.Braque was trained as a classical musician, and he thought musical instruments added a tactile dimension to the visual image: "The distinctive feature of the musical instrument as an object," he said, "is that it comes alive to the touch." Johann Sebastian Bach, whose polyphonic compositions may be seen as musical analogues to the shifting planes and multiple perspectives of Analytic Cubism, was one of Braque's favorite composers. Rare for his work of this period, Braque signed his name prominently on the paintings face, perhaps to invite the slippage of sound between the composers name and his own.

                  11楼2012-05-09 13:10

                    IP属地:北京12楼2012-05-09 14:09

                      13楼2012-05-09 20:09

                        This is one of Whistler's most controversial works and was produced as 'evidence' in the famous Whistler-Ruskin trial of 1878. It is the fifth in a series of Nocturnes, produced during the 1870s. Whistler's aim in these works was to convey a sense of the beauty and tranquility of the Thames by night. It was Frederick Leyland who first used the name 'nocturne' to describe these moonlit scenes, suggesting the concept of evening, or night, but with musical associations. The expression was quickly adopted by Whistler, who later explained,
                        By using the word 'nocturne' I wished to indicate an artistic interest alone, divesting the picture of any outside anecdotal interest which might have been otherwise attached to it. A nocturne is an arrangement of line, form
                        and colour first (quoted in Dorment and MacDonald, p.122).
                        The central motif is Battersea Bridge, with Chelsea Church and the lights of the newly-built Albert Bridge visible in the distance. There are fireworks in the sky and one rocket ascends as another falls in sparks. Possibly inspired by Hiroshige's woodcut
                        Moonlight at Ryogoko of 1857, which includes a similar tall structure, Whistler intentionally exaggerated the height of the bridge. As the artist himself stated at the Ruskin trial, 'I did not intend to paint a portrait
                        of the bridge, but only a painting
                        of a moonlight scene...My whole scheme was only to bring about a certain harmony of colour' (quoted in Dorment and MacDonald, p.131).
                        Whistler preferred the calm of the river at night to the noise and bustle of the Thames by day. With the Greaves brothers as his oarsmen, he would set off at twilight and sometimes remain on the river all night, sketching and memorising the scene. He never painted his Nocturnes on the spot, but rather from memory in his studio, employing a special medium
                        devised for painting swiftly in oils. He thinned his paint with copal, turpentine and linseed oil, creating what he called a 'sauce', which he applied in thin, transparent layers, wiping it away until he was satisfied.
                        In 1876 Whistler exhibited the picture as Nocturne in Blue and Silver No.5, but by 1892 had given it its present title. When it appeared at the first Grosvenor Gallery exhibition in 1877 Oscar Wilde wrote that it was 'worth looking at for about as long as one looks at a real rocket, that is, for somewhat less than a quarter of a minute' (quoted in Dorment and MacDonald 1994, p.130). The painting was bought by William Graham and was later included in the Graham sale at Christie's in 1886. When it came up for auction it was hissed by the general public.


                        15楼2012-05-09 22:55
                          Henri Matisse (1869—1954) was known for his brilliant and expressive use of color and his bold innovations in a wide variety of media. In addition to painting and sculpture, he designed ballet sets, murals, a chapel, and a number of special-edition books. The most important of these books was Jazz, published in Paris in 1947 by Efstratios Tériade, which combined colored cutouts and a poetic essay on art in Matisse’s own photoengraved handwriting.
                          Matisse had first used cutout papers in 1937 to do layouts for a mural commissioned by the great American collector Dr. Albert C. Barnes. A decade later, following a cancer operation that left him unable to stand, Matisse returned to this technique as the only activity he could manage from his sickbed. His nurse and secretary, Lydia Delectorskaya, painted large sheets of paper with vibrant tempera colors, which Matisse then cut into shapes with scissors. He then directed Delectorskaya in creating compositions from these shapes by pinning them to the wall. After many rearrangements, the final composition would be pasted in place.
                          In order to scale these wall-sized compositions down for publication, Tériade’s printers hand-cut thin metal stencils that exactly followed the contours of Matisse’s cutouts. Inks calibrated to the exact hues of the tempera colors used in the original cutouts were painstakingly hand-brushed through the stencils, lending a freshness and directness to the prints not possible with any other technique. The decision to use Matisse’s own handwriting to present the text of the book permitted him to balance each page spread with a colorful image on one side and a formal black-and-white “drawing” on the other. The Johnson Museum’s edition of Jazz is one of only one hundred portfolio copies issued unbound and without the text, which makes it possible to re-create, on a smaller scale, the effect of Matisse’s mural compositions.
                          The dominant themes of the twenty works created for Jazz are the circus and the theater. It is thought that Matisse originally intended to call the book Circus, but was persuaded by Tériade to rename it. Whatever the reason for the name change, the experimental, improvisational nature of the Jazzcompositions, with their exuberant colors, swooping arabesques, and staccato rhythms, are certainly worthy of the name.


                          16楼2012-05-09 22:57