《剑桥日本史》: formal diplomacy between the two countries had been in abeyance since the late ninth century The Mongols' demand for a peaceful relationship with Japan posed a serious problem to the bakufu. The text of their letter did not seem threatening: It called for peace, not subjugation. In particular, the Zen monks, many of whom were patronized by the Hojo,6 had come from Southern China and must have been vocal in their opposition to the Yuan request. the Yuan destroyed the capital of the Southern Sung in 1276 and captured the reigning Chinese emperor. By early 1279, the Southern Sung empire was completely destroyed. 1. 中日两国的正式外交关系自九世纪晚期就开始搁置了; 2. 元朝起初并没有征服日本的意图,而只是试图同日本建立和平外交关系; 3. 日本的禅宗和尚来自南宋,肯定会对元朝的请求表示强烈反对意见。 4. 南宋灭亡后,日本的反应,本书没有任何记载。 我翻了内藤湖南,坂本太郎,宇都木章等人的日本史书,还有日本山川,岩波,中公等出版社出版的日文原版历史书,也没有看到这个记载。 目前看到的日本为南宋灭亡“举国茹素”这种说法只有在郑思肖《心史》中提到过