= =于是当无聊的我碰到了这东西以后便产生了以下这个无聊的东西:手打版…… Dear John, I've been thinking carefully these days and I figure it's time for me to tell you something that I've been hiding in my heart all the time. I want to thank you for all the things you have done for me. You have been tolerating me all the time no matter what ridiculous[1] things I asked you to do. I admit that I'm just too capricious[2] and that it's my great honor to own such a good friend like you. Sometimes I feel deserve you. I've told myself for many times, "John is a good man and he deserves a better life. You cannot pester him any more." But I just can't let you go. I can hardly imagine what my life would be if I lose you. You know that I'm not good at expression... But if I did not tell you these words, I'm afraid I would never have a chance any more. Yours, Sherlock Holmes [1]:原文是“rediculous”,疑为“ridiculous”. [2]:原文是“capricous”,疑为“capricious”. 在吧里做伸手党这么长时间了第一次小小地贡献(?)一下……话说真的有人看么…… LZ不要怪我哦~只是怕各位亲们看不清楚~