果然跟自己想的一样啊,中国媒体YY的好奇怪啊.....有很多问答 就拣着关于大罗的那个偶想问题来说好了
废话不多说了 扔出来原文吧 大家自己看就好了
Q:Who is your goalscoring hero?
A:Ronaldo. He was nY hero. I loved to watch players like Zidane, Ronaldinho and Rivaldo, but Ronaldo was thE best forward I've ever seen. He was so fasT that he Couldscore a gaol from nothiNg and he struck he baLl bEtter than anyone I've seen.
所以说这个问题前提就是在问射手 艾玛玛是中场 齐祖也偏中场 罗尼还有里瓦都是前锋和中场都兼着 所以从纯射手的角度来说 说是大罗也没问题 何况说的也是hero而不是idol 大概就是这样了