The dead, in the blowing wind 狂风之中,逝去之人 swayed back and forth inside of their cage. 被困于牢笼内彷徨不定 I'm a loser, walking alone, 我是一个失败者,只能独自前行 as if in a daydream... 仿佛置身于白日梦中 I don't know my heart yet, but I love you. 尚且不了解自己的内心,然而我爱你 Roses entangled in decay 被腐朽缠绕的玫瑰 tempt me like a jewellery. 却如同珍宝般诱惑着我 The red-light district's empty love 红灯区中虚幻的爱恋 sings a fallen elegy, 唱响了坠落的挽歌 sing for me, and BANG! 为了我而歌唱吧,然后——BANG! Until I can get my hands 直到我能用双手 on just one love, 捧起唯一的爱 dark grey roars will rip through you. 黑灰色的咆哮会将你贯穿 Even if this interrupted story 纵使这被中断的故事 is resumed once more, 再一次被述说 this town closest to hell struggles in immorality. 这最接近地狱的地方在背德中挣扎 Everyone envies the Star-Dust! 羡慕星尘的世间人 Closing their eyes in pleasure, 愉悦地闭上眼睛 softly whispering into the night sky, 对着夜空喃喃自语 "Dead-hearted Messiah! “心已消亡的弥赛亚 You will be burnt to ashes." 你将化为灰烬” Those days of guns and roses that I held on to... 那些我曾牢牢拥抱的枪与玫瑰交错的日子 are reflected in your eyes. 在你的眼眸中闪烁 In the darkness, this proof lived on for no reason, 黑暗之中,这无条理的事实永远延续 to flower someday... 直到绽放出花朵的那一日 Until our paths crossed, 直到我们的道路交汇 my love and libido were falling. 我的爱与欲都只在坠落 I just want to hold you one more time... 我只想再一次抱紧你 but I can never return, 但是我已无法回头 so, our omertà, 所以,我们两人的omertà【①】 the finger holding the trigger... 手指扣紧扳机 "Boring, no can do, man." “真让人无聊啊。”(不会翻这句) will shoot fate! 就算是命运也能击落 (注【①】:西西里黑手党有众多的规则但是最为基础的一条是omertà,音译可以叫"乌默他",意思是"闭上你的嘴"或"保持沉默",不向执法部门透露任何有关黑手党的犯罪情报和证据,这条"乌默他法则"或叫"缄默法则"也成为了黑手党的赖以生存的条件之一.)——百度知道里出来的,好符合世界观啊喂 亡者に靡く风 揺らめいた笼の中 I'm a loser 独り歩く 真昼の梦に似た… I don't know my heart yet, but I love you. 朽ちて络まる蔷薇 Like jewelry 诱い込む 饰り窓 虚ろな恋 落ちぶれた挽歌を Sing for me, and BANG! ただ一つの爱を この手で掴み取るまで 钝色の哮けりが 贵方を贯いていく途切れたストーリー 再び纺がれていても Town closest to Hell 背徳に喘ぐ谁もが羡むStar-Dust! 快楽に目を闭じる 夜空にそっと嗫く 心亡きメシアよ あなたは Be burnt to ashes 抱いた…Days of guns and roses お前の目に映る 暗の中で 不条理に生きた证 いつかの花この爱とリビドー 堕ちて交わる时まで もう一度だけ抱いて… 私は戻れないから二人のオメルタ 引き金に触れた指が… Boring, no can do, man 运命を打ち抜け mouja ni nabiku kaze yurameita kago no naka I'm a loser hitori aruku mahiru no yume ni nita... I don't know my heart yet, but I love you. kuchite karamaru bara Like a jewellery sasoikomu kazarimado utsurona koi ochibureta banka wo Sing for me, and BANG! tada hitotsu no ai wo kono te de tsukamitoru made nibiiro no takeri ga anata wo tsuranuiteiku togireta SUTOORII futatabi tsumugareteite mo Town closest to Hell haitoku ni aegu daremo ga urayamu Star-Dust! kairaku ni me wo tojiru yozora ni sotto sasayaku kokoro naki MESHIA yo anata wa Be burnt to ashes idaita... Days of guns and roses omae no me ni utsuru yami no naka de fujouri ni ikita akashi itsuka no hana kono ai to RIBIDOO ochite majiwaru toki made mou ichido dake daite... watashi wa modorenai kara futari no OMERUTA hikigane ni fureta yubi ga... Boring, no can do, man sadame wo uchinuke