为了方便大家下载,以后我把音质分A+ A A- 这三个层次
08.03.91 - Great Western Forum, Inglewood, CA
Perfect Crime.Mr. Brownstone, Right Next Door To Hell, Bad Obsession, Live And Let Die, It's So Easy, Yesterdays, Dust N' Bones, Double Talkin' Jive, Civil War, I Was Only Joking [Intro] / Patience, You Could Be Mine, Piano Solo, November Rain, My Michelle, 14 Years, Nightrain, Welcome To The Jungle, Drum Solo, Guitar Solo, Godfather Theme, Pretty Tied Up, Rocket Queen, Don't Cry [w/ Shannon Hoon], Only Women Bleed [Intro] / Knockin' On Heaven's Door
encore 1: You Ain't The First [w/ Shannon Hoon], Used To Love Her, Move To The City, Bad Time [Intro] / Sweet Child O' Mine, You're Crazy [w/ Sebastian Bach], Locomotive, Out Ta Get Me, Dead Horse
encore 2: Estranged, Paradise City
难以置信的演出,。乐队不想离开舞台! UYI巡演单场时长最长的一场演出,演出近4个小时。唱了30多首歌,axl的肺都唱暴了。你们还等什么,赶紧激情下载吧。。。枪迷不能错过这一场!