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【礼物主题DLC】庆祝magicka生日——Free Jólnir’s Workshop


Paradox Issues Free Challenge Map for Celebrating Wizards, Title Has Sold 1.8 Million Copies to Date.挑战图
NEW YORK — January 17, 2013 — Paradox Interactive would like to wish Magicka a very happy birthday, as the game reaches the two-year anniversary of its release.
(发行两周年,生快) Unfortunately, the Magicka wizards attempted to light their own candles on the cake, and as punishment for the resulting damage to the Paradox offices, the publisher is giving Magicka’s presents away to players instead, out of spite. A new piece of DLC is now available for Magicka players, free of charge, entitled “Free Jólnir’s Workshop”.免费
To further punish the wizards, Paradox will be having them work without pay over the weekend as Magicka will have a free-to-play period this weekend only. Anybody will be allowed to download and play the game during this period without giving the wizards so much as an IOU. (今个周末免费下载玩,估计盗版无力吧)To learn more about how to play during this celebratory window, visit http://www.magickagame.com/.
Since the game’s release in early 2011, Magicka has sold 1.8 million copies, allowing wizards worldwide o hastily apologize to their scorched, punctured, and/or exploded friends using its award-deserving gameplay. Paradox has continued to support the Magicka community with frequent updates and additions, including a hefty selection of free content, DLC sets, and even full expansions such as Magicka: Vietnam and The Stars are Left. It also continues to provide the Paradox staff with reasonable excuses to dress up in colorful robes in the workplace, an activity they have no intention to stop any time soon.
In the new free DLC, players must liberate the wintry workshop of Jólnir, the Crimson King, from a horde of goblins. Jólnir, having let his guard down following a harsh holiday work season, has been forcibly evicted by greedy beasts, and needs the help of Magicka’s well-meaning wizards to resolve this little labor dispute. New monsters, including Goblin Snow Troopers and Autonomous Cannons, will defend their new holdings in the middle of a hazardous blizzard, while wizards take cover behind enormous piles of leftover presents and packages. Free Jólnir’s Workshop and discover what the real magic of the season is!
We've also conjured up a bunch of patch notes for Magicka, read them here:http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?658853-Patch-Notes-%

IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体1楼2013-01-18 23:16回复
    Patch Notes ( – Major patch today, this update addresses several major issues and crashes players have experienced, it deals with both some great old ones as well as a few issues of the lesser castes. We’ve also added a little treat for you, a free challenge you can pick up in the steam store; Free Jólnirs Workshop.
    A big thanks to everybody who posts well described reports on the different forums. That really helps!
    - Added free challenge DLC; Free Jólnirs Workshop. FREEEEEEDOM!
    - Fixed the crash with the “Magicka has stopped working” windows prompt due to dependencies not being installed correctly. This should now be greatly improved. Crash of the Titans
    - Fixed a crash when host attempted to change level with gamepad in online play lobby. Tango & Crash
    - Fixed a crash when cutting the rope in the tutorial and any other physical objects in the game, while using the Which Dr. Robe. Crash Gordon. See a trend here?
    - Fixed an issue where players would only be able to select a few game modes when hosting an online game. What can we say, we’re gracious hosts
    - Fixed an issue where chapter select for Adventure and The Stars are Left would be empty. And though Adventure and The Stars are Left put their issues aside, they still parted ways. –insert sad trombone noise–
    - Fixed a crash in Chapter 5 of the campaign when players killed the boss by freezing him and blowing him to bits. W-Men: First Crash. Getting difficult to keep this up.
    - Fixed a crash when hosting online games using Italian language setting. I’m running out of movies to use. Oh wait, how about Jumpin’ Jack Crash? Yeah, that works.
    - Fixed several issues related to playing with gamepad and not running the game in BigPicture. Amongst other issues, we fixed a crash caused by a gamepad-wielding player trying to write in the chat with the gamepad as well as not being able to create a new profile using gamepad but not running steam in BigPicture. You think us putting “crash” into action movie titles was to promote The Showdown Effect? Naaaaaah, we’re not that smart. *coughMarch5cough*
    - Fixed an issue where the main menu would sometimes lock itself before the tome is opened. Reminds me of that scene in Army of Darkness where Crash—I mean, Ash—unlocks the Necronomicon, except none of you are being attacked by the game when the tome opens. Sadly.
    - Fixed an issue that caused the Revive Magick to be unavailable in the Vietnam Rescue Mission. Wait, why did we change that? Back in ‘Nam, we didn’t have no fancy Revive Magick. If someone went unconscious, we carried them in the mud. Barefoot. Uphill. Both ways. No bathrobe.
    - Fixed an issue where the boss of The Stars are Left chapter 2 couldn’t drown and ending up in the water would result in the player being unable to progress. “What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."
    - Fixed an issue where the Cultist Robe would be unavailable even though the Fthagn Once More achievement had been acquired. Just don’t drink the punch!
    - Fixed an issue where some people couldn’t put on their Bathrobe. Yay!
    - The Change Level button now correctly updates when changing language. Change is good, my mommy said so before sending me to boarding school.
    - Some minor improvements done to main menu and leaderboards. We didn’t want to overstimulate you with major, stupendous improvements.
    - Fixed a visual issue with the versus map description for Pool of Undeniable Moisture as well as improving the presentation of map descriptions in general. Because maps are people too. No, wait, that’s actually not true. They’re just maps. We treat maps like people, though, and that’s what counts.
    - Fixed a bug where gamepad-wielding players could not change robe if the chat window was hovered with the mouse.
    Now this one was pretty specific. I mean, you had to 1) have a gamepad 2) have chat open and 3) have a mouse hover over the chat window. Bravo to you who found this, we can barely do two things at once and three things is just asking for someone to get blown up.
    - Fixed a bug causing all remaining players in a lobby to get their robes changed when someone leaves the lobby. That was our version of a quick-change Magick act. For our next trick, we’ll be making a goblin’s head disappear.
    - Improved the process of logging out profiles in game lobbies as well as the method for exiting them. DON’T LEAVE US!!! WE DON’T WANT TO BE ALONE!!!!
    - Improved focus when scrolling through community buttons in main menu using gamepad. Because a community that slays together, stays together. AWWWWWWWW. Trust fall time!

    IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体2楼2013-01-18 23:19
      - Free Jólnirs Workshop does no longer show up as being modified
      - Fixed a reintroduced bug that would allow players to host modified content on VAC enabled servers

      IP属地:广东6楼2013-01-19 19:05
        Join Magicka’s Free Weekend Birthday Party
        As the ice-god Wulþuz is exacting his revenge on the blasé warm bodies of Britain, it might be a good idea to sort yourself out with a game this weekend. You might get dripped on. You might nearly slip! Why even give yourself the option of leaving the house when you could be inside and away from the icy danger? You could just plug your name into Steam Roulette and see what pops up. Or, if you’re not one of the 1.8 million people that bought a copy of Magicka, then you could pop over to Steam and grab the free weekend.

        IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体7楼2013-01-19 19:07

          That’s not all. There’s some free DLC for everyone! Jólnir – the Crimson King’s Worskshopis a challenge map where you’ll fight 20 waves of beasts, with only magic and your BFFs to stop the onslaught. There’s no video for the free DLC, so instead lets all remember how the advertised the game back in the annals of history. It’ll involve time travel. Come along, Ponds.

          IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体8楼2013-01-19 19:07
            this weekend only,好吧,看来我steam里面莫名多出来的这个游戏是白下载了,仅这个周末能玩,那还不如没有的好

            IP属地:上海10楼2013-01-19 22:37

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