LKSF Project Update
[2007-06-11 18:10:18]
The Foundation has made a contribution of HK$200,000 through its "Just in Time" Fund to the family of a fireman who died in the line of duty in Hong Kong last month. The JIT Fund offers timely and direct relief in natural catastrophes, special and emergency situations, and work-related injuries and deaths of civil servants, in the hope of encouraging further support from private and public sectors. The Foundation had made similar donations in the past to police officers and firefighters who sacrificed their lives in service.
The Foundation is also contributing HK$250,000 to sponsor a single multimedia performance exclusively for high school students and teachers in June. The performance is inspired by Hua-yen Sutra (华严经) , a highly valued Buddhist scripture written nearly two thousand years ago. The sponsorship of this performance is part of the Foundation’s continuing efforts to foster a harmonious and caring society.
[2007-06-11 18:10:18]
The Foundation has made a contribution of HK$200,000 through its "Just in Time" Fund to the family of a fireman who died in the line of duty in Hong Kong last month. The JIT Fund offers timely and direct relief in natural catastrophes, special and emergency situations, and work-related injuries and deaths of civil servants, in the hope of encouraging further support from private and public sectors. The Foundation had made similar donations in the past to police officers and firefighters who sacrificed their lives in service.
The Foundation is also contributing HK$250,000 to sponsor a single multimedia performance exclusively for high school students and teachers in June. The performance is inspired by Hua-yen Sutra (华严经) , a highly valued Buddhist scripture written nearly two thousand years ago. The sponsorship of this performance is part of the Foundation’s continuing efforts to foster a harmonious and caring society.