《Merry Christmas,Mr Lawrence!》的音乐1.圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生!Merry Christmas,Mr Lawrence!坂本龙一作曲并演奏![](https://imgsa.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=9d9bc07403087bf47dec57e1c2d3575e/47bb297f9e2f0708a836d53fe824b899a901f248.jpg)
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjMxMjk4MzI0.html这首音乐最广为流传的评论,出处不详:《Merry Christmas,Mr Lawrence》大抵算得坂本龙一的传世绝唱(这也是一个人一辈子里不可回避的一首歌,如果你没听过,你的人生将减少四分之一。),美丽琴音里流淌着生命永远无法选择的宿命的悲剧感,对人性纯粹的追求与矜持,对异样情欲的纠缠与否认,对真理信念的盲目与回避...所有这些有时沉重得无以承受,有时又是那般虚弱无力,孰对孰不对的选择更是令人应接不暇、心力交瘁。当面对死去的人们只留下或深或浅的记忆,所有生命的美丽化作一句"圣诞快乐",然后满天飞舞起洁白的雪花,飘落这世间每个干净与不干净的角落。
2.禁色forbidden colours:坂本龙一作曲,David Sylvian填词并演唱![](https://imgsa.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=6fca701dc9fcc3ceb4c0c93ba244d6b7/bf536909c93d70cf131d5632f9dcd100bba12b93.jpg)
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTcyOTM0NDg=.htmlThe wounds on your hands never seem to heal
I thought all I needed was to believe
Here am I, a lifetime away from you
The blood of Christ, or the beat of my heart
My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes
Senseless years thunder by
Millions are willing to give their lives for you
Does nothing live on?
Learning to cope with feelings aroused in me
My hands in the soil, buried inside of myself
My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes in you once again
I will go walking in circles
While doubting the very ground beneath me
Trying to show unquestioning faith in everything
Here am I, a lifetime away from you
The blood of Christ, or a change of heart
My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes
My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes in you once again