Ear reflexology, the practice of stimulating those pressure points on the ear that are believed to correspond to various parts of the body (foot, bladder, even your trachea), also can work to reduce negative emotions (rejection, self-pity, even "bearing the burden of the world"). To counteract depression or a feeling of being overwhelmed, try massaging the outer ring of each ear. 耳朵的反射疗法,对耳朵某些压力点的刺激能有效反映到身体的其他部位(足部,膀胱,甚至脊椎),同时还能有效缓解负面情绪(抵触感,自卑,甚至“超强的责任感”)。想改变这种压力感带来的沮丧,不妨试着捏捏耳朵边缘吧。