Name: John Joseph Feild
Birthday: April 1978
Birthplace: Boulder, Colorado (USA)
Grown up: near London
Family: 2 older brothers, 1 younger sister, father British, mother American
Citizenship: Dual English/American
Height: 6'1'' (1,85m)
Eyes: blue
Hair: light brown curls, bleached for some roles
Acting education: Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art
Skills: swimming, horse riding, parachuting, motorbike license
Accents: RP (received pronounciation), London, Standard Amercian, Utah American, Yorkshire, Russian, and Welsh
Birthday: April 1978
Birthplace: Boulder, Colorado (USA)
Grown up: near London
Family: 2 older brothers, 1 younger sister, father British, mother American
Citizenship: Dual English/American
Height: 6'1'' (1,85m)
Eyes: blue
Hair: light brown curls, bleached for some roles
Acting education: Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art
Skills: swimming, horse riding, parachuting, motorbike license
Accents: RP (received pronounciation), London, Standard Amercian, Utah American, Yorkshire, Russian, and Welsh