“OK,the next thing is important,(接下来的事儿很重要)I found the family of blood coming again,I don’t know how they escape,their aim is to take me away .But I am a timelord ,the last timelord,maybe none of you knows how terrible it will be if they get the parts of timelord.Any tiny gene of the timelord can change the time and space forever.(我又一次发现嗜血家族到来了,也不知道他们是怎么逃出来的,他们打算抓走我。但是我是个时间领主,最后的时间领主,可能你们当中没有人知道,如若他们夺走时间领主的部分是有多可怕。任何一点时间领主的微小基因,都可以永远地让整个时空改头换面。)”
“so I will be a human again ,by the chameleon system in tardis.(所以我将再次化身人类,靠塔迪斯的变色龙系统。)”男子的眼神里突然流过一丝忧伤,”My past companion used to help me ,but then she has left ,so I want you(我过去的同伴曾经帮助过我,但是之后她离开了,所以我希望你),”男子望向师傅这边,”to wake me up these days,before the Elizabeth first becomes the queen bess.Otherwise,the family of blood may capture the body of queen to search me out.Then the whole time line will be exterminated(只要在伊丽莎白一世成为贝丝女王之前这些日子唤醒我就行,否则嗜血家族可能会通过侵占女王的身体从而命人搜寻我。到那时,整个时间线就将面临毁灭的危险了。)”
“Remember this watch ,it is me.(请记住这怀表,他就是我)” 男子指了指台上放着的怀表。然后唰地消失在空气中。